
Last commit made on 2024-04-18
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dc20b23... by konstin

Warn on invalid pyproject.toml

When we try to compile a pyproject.toml, we currently silently fall back to PEP 517 when we can't parse it (according to PEP 621). This PR adds a warning. It would be even better if we could be strict and require a valid pyproject.toml.

This is relevant for `tool.uv.sources`, which doesn't get forwarded through PEP 517, so we'd silently lose that information.

d1b07a3... by konstin

Log versions tried from batch prefetch (#3090)

This is required for evaluating #3087.

This also removes tracking of virtual packages from extras from the
batch prefetcher (we only track real packages).

Let's look at some stats:
* jupyter: Tried 100 versions: anyio 1, argon2-cffi 1,
argon2-cffi-bindings 1, arrow 1, asttokens 1, async-lru 1, attrs 1,
babel 1, beautifulsoup4 1, bleach 1, certifi 1, cffi 1,
charset-normalizer 1, comm 1, debugpy 1, decorator 1, defusedxml 1,
exceptiongroup 1, executing 1, fastjsonschema 1, fqdn 1, h11 1, httpcore
1, httpx 1, idna 1, ipykernel 1, ipython 1, ipywidgets 1, isoduration 1,
jedi 1, jinja2 1, json5 1, jsonpointer 1, jsonschema 1,
jsonschema-specifications 1, jupyter 1, jupyter-client 1,
jupyter-console 1, jupyter-core 1, jupyter-events 1, jupyter-lsp 1,
jupyter-server 1, jupyter-server-terminals 1, jupyterlab 1,
jupyterlab-pygments 1, jupyterlab-server 1, jupyterlab-widgets 1,
markupsafe 1, matplotlib-inline 1, mistune 1, nbclient 1, nbconvert 1,
nbformat 1, nest-asyncio 1, notebook 1, notebook-shim 1, overrides 1,
packaging 1, pandocfilters 1, parso 1, pexpect 1, platformdirs 1,
prometheus-client 1, prompt-toolkit 1, psutil 1, ptyprocess 1, pure-eval
1, pycparser 1, pygments 1, python-dateutil 1, python-json-logger 1,
pyyaml 1, pyzmq 1, qtconsole 1, qtpy 1, referencing 1, requests 1,
rfc3339-validator 1, rfc3986-validator 1, root 1, rpds-py 1, send2trash
1, six 1, sniffio 1, soupsieve 1, stack-data 1, terminado 1, tinycss2 1,
tomli 1, tornado 1, traitlets 1, types-python-dateutil 1,
typing-extensions 1, uri-template 1, urllib3 1, wcwidth 1, webcolors 1,
webencodings 1, websocket-client 1, widgetsnbextension 1
* boto3: botocore 1697, boto3 849, urllib3 2, jmespath 1,
python-dateutil 1, root 1, s3transfer 1, six 1
* transformers-extras: Tried 1191 versions: sagemaker 152, hypothesis
67, tensorflow 21, jsonschema 19, tensorflow-cpu 18, multiprocess 10,
pathos 10, tensorflow-text 10, chex 8, tf-keras 8, tf2onnx 8, aiohttp 6,
aiosignal 6, alembic 6, annotated-types 6, apscheduler 6, attrs 6,
backoff 6, binaryornot 6, black 6, boto3 6, click 6, coloredlogs 6,
colorlog 6, dash 6, dash-bootstrap-components 6, dlinfo 6,
exceptiongroup 6, execnet 6, fire 6, frozenlist 6, gitdb 6, google-auth
6, google-auth-oauthlib 6, hjson 6, iniconfig 6, jinja2-time 6, markdown
6, markdown-it-py 6, markupsafe 6, mpmath 6, namex 6, nbformat 6, ninja
6, nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 6, onnxconverter-common 6, pandas 6, plac 6,
platformdirs 6, pluggy 6, portalocker 6, poyo 6, protobuf3-to-dict 6,
py-cpuinfo 6, py3nvml 6, pyarrow 6, pyarrow-hotfix 6, pydantic-core 6,
pygments 6, pynvml 6, pypng 6, python-slugify 6, responses 6,
smdebug-rulesconfig 6, soupsieve 6, sqlalchemy 6,
tensorboard-data-server 6, tensorboard-plugin-wit 6, tensorboardx 6,
threadpoolctl 6, tomli 6, wasabi 6, wcwidth 6, werkzeug 6, wheel 6,
xxhash 6, zipp 6, etils 5, tensorboard 5, beautifulsoup4 4, cffi 4,
clldutils 4, codecarbon 4, datasets 4, dill 4, evaluate 4, gitpython 4,
hf-doc-builder 4, kenlm 4, librosa 4, llvmlite 4, nest-asyncio 4, nltk
4, optuna 4, parameterized 4, phonemizer 4, psutil 4, pyctcdecode 4,
pytest 4, pytest-timeout 4, pytest-xdist 4, ray 4, rjieba 4, rouge-score
4, ruff 4, sacrebleu 4, sacremoses 4, sigopt 4, sortedcontainers 4,
tensorstore 4, timeout-decorator 4, toolz 4, torchaudio 4, accelerate 3,
audioread 3, cookiecutter 3, decorator 3, deepspeed 3, faiss-cpu 3, flax
3, fugashi 3, ipadic 3, isort 3, jax 3, jaxlib 3, joblib 3, keras-nlp 3,
lazy-loader 3, numba 3, optax 3, pooch 3, pydantic 3, pygtrie 3, rhoknp
3, scikit-learn 3, segments 3, soundfile 3, soxr 3, sudachidict-core 3,
sudachipy 3, torch 3, unidic 3, unidic-lite 3, urllib3 3, absl-py 2,
arrow 2, astunparse 2, async-timeout 2, botocore 2, cachetools 2,
certifi 2, chardet 2, charset-normalizer 2, csvw 2, dash-core-components
2, dash-html-components 2, dash-table 2, diffusers 2, dm-tree 2,
fastjsonschema 2, flask 2, flatbuffers 2, fsspec 2, ftfy 2, gast 2,
google-pasta 2, greenlet 2, grpcio 2, h5py 2, humanfriendly 2, idna 2,
importlib-metadata 2, importlib-resources 2, jinja2 2, jmespath 2,
jupyter-core 2, kagglehub 2, keras 2, keras-core 2, keras-preprocessing
2, libclang 2, mako 2, mdurl 2, ml-dtypes 2, msgpack 2, multidict 2,
mypy-extensions 2, networkx 2, nvidia-cublas-cu12 2,
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 2, nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 2,
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 2, nvidia-cudnn-cu12 2, nvidia-cufft-cu12 2,
nvidia-curand-cu12 2, nvidia-cusolver-cu12 2, nvidia-cusparse-cu12 2,
nvidia-nccl-cu12 2, nvidia-nvtx-cu12 2, onnx 2, onnxruntime 2,
onnxruntime-tools 2, opencv-python 2, opt-einsum 2, orbax-checkpoint 2,
pathspec 2, plotly 2, pox 2, ppft 2, pyasn1-modules 2, pycparser 2,
pyrsistent 2, python-dateutil 2, pytz 2, requests-oauthlib 2, retrying
2, rich 2, rsa 2, s3transfer 2, scipy 2, setuptools 2, six 2, smmap 2,
sympy 2, tabulate 2, tensorflow-estimator 2, tensorflow-hub 2,
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 2, termcolor 2, text-unidecode 2, traitlets
2, triton 2, typing-extensions 2, tzdata 2, tzlocal 2, wrapt 2,
xmltodict 2, yarl 2, Python 1, av 1, babel 1, bibtexparser 1, blinker 1,
colorama 1, decord 1, filelock 1, huggingface-hub 1, isodate 1,
itsdangerous 1, language-tags 1, lxml 1, numpy 1, oauthlib 1, packaging
1, pillow 1, protobuf 1, pyasn1 1, pylatexenc 1, pyparsing 1, pyyaml 1,
rdflib 1, regex 1, requests 1, rfc3986 1, root 1, safetensors 1,
sentencepiece 1, tenacity 1, timm 1, tokenizers 1, torchvision 1, tqdm
1, transformers 1, types-python-dateutil 1, uritemplate 1

You can reproduce them with python 3.10 and:
RUST_LOG=uv_resolver=debug cargo run pip compile -o /dev/null -q scripts/requirements/<input>.in 2>&1 | tail -n 1

Closes #2270 - This is less invasive compared to the other PR, we can
revisit number of network/build request tracking later.

64b545d... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Avoid `#[clap]` macro (#3085)

## Summary

I can't find a source for this beyond,
but apparently `#[arg]` and friends are newer and recommended. (They're
also used in the examples in the docs.)

b1cb193... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Add some tracing to workspace discovery (#3084)

f9c4ca3... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Fix reference to `pyproject.toml` path in workspace discovery (#3083)

This is why we write tests :joy:

b3f98d5... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Use kebab-case for serde enums (#3080)

By default, these serialize as (e.g.) `LowestDirect`. This now matches
the format we use in Ruff.

40d5a8a... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Flatten settings into a single struct (#3079)

## Summary

This division proved to be not-so-useful in subsequent PRs.

dd09de2... by Charlie Marsh <email address hidden>

Add filter for install_registry_source_dist_cached on Gentoo (#3071)


8e37625... by Paul Moore

Allow passing a venv to `uv pip --python` (#3064)


## Summary

Allows passing a virtual environment (the path to the directory, rather
than the path to the Python interpreter within the directory) to the
`--python` option of the `uv pip` command.

## Test Plan

Tested manually to confirm that the expected new functionality works.
The test suite still passes after this change.

I don't know how to add tests for a new feature like this. I would be
happy to do so if someone can give me some pointers on how to do it.

d2551bb... by Sergey «m17» Kolosov

Add support for .tar.bz2 source distributions (#3069)

## Summary

Source distributions in the .tar.bz2 format are still relatively common
within the existing code-bases, namely, the most common examples are the
Twisted source distributions up to the version 20.3.0. As quite so often
the ability to upgrade Twisted to a more recent version is not available
for a given project, we add the support for .tar.bz2 here to still allow
`uv` to be a drop-in replacement for `pip` in these projects.

## Test Plan

The feature was tested both by adding the corresponding test coverage,
and by directly installing a package of interest under a Python version
that doesn't have the corresponding wheel:

cargo run venv -p python3.8
cargo run pip install Twisted==20.3.0 --no-cache

The `--no-cache` argument in the example above serves the purpose of
cleaning the cached information regarding the unsatisfiability of the
requirements, as it may have been cached during some previous attempt to
install this package by `uv` version that didn't implement this feature