Merge lp:~lderan/ubuntu-bots/meeetingology-output into lp:~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology

Proposed by Thomas Molloy
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 19
Proposed branch: lp:~lderan/ubuntu-bots/meeetingology-output
Merge into: lp:~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology
Diff against target: 55 lines (+6/-7)
2 files modified (+2/-2) (+4/-5)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~lderan/ubuntu-bots/meeetingology-output
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Alan Bell Approve
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2014-02-07.

Description of the change

Changed the layout for the vote output and set Jose to be the one notified when a meeting ends

new stuff : changed undo to be more descriptive and removed the action items list in the moinmoin output as its been replaced by action items per person

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Revision history for this message
Alan Bell (alanbell) wrote :

yup, I think it should perhaps notify the #meetingology channel rather than pinging a specific person, but OK for now

review: Approve
19. By Alan Bell

accepting merge

Preview Diff

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1=== modified file ''
2--- 2014-02-07 16:06:41 +0000
3+++ 2014-02-07 18:25:01 +0000
4@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
5 "\n"
6 "Minutes: %(urlBasename)s.moin.txt")
7 endMeetingNotification = ("Meeting in %(channel)s has just ended")
8- endMeetingNotificationList = ["lderan"]
9+ endMeetingNotificationList = ["jose"]
11 #TODO: endMeetingMessage should get filenames from the writers
13@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
14 """Remove the last item from the minutes."""
15 if not self.isChair(nick): return
16 if len(self.minutes) == 0: return
17- self.reply("Removing item from minutes: %s"%str(self.minutes[-1]))
18+ self.reply("Removing item from minutes: %s"%str(self.minutes[-1].itemtype))
19 del self.minutes[-1]
20 def do_restrictlogs(self, nick, **kwargs):
21 """When saved, remove permissions from the files."""
23=== modified file ''
24--- 2014-02-07 16:13:27 +0000
25+++ 2014-02-07 18:25:01 +0000
26@@ -1217,17 +1217,17 @@
27 # reversed to show the oldest first
28 if len(M.votes) > 0:
29 for m in M.votes:
30- # differentiate denied votes somehow, strikethrough perhaps?
31- Votes.append(" * [[%(fullLogsFullURL)s#"+str(M.votes[m][3])+" "+m+"]]")
32 motion = "Deadlock"
33 if(M.votes[m][0] > M.votes[m][1]):
34 motion = "Motion carried"
35 elif(M.votes[m][0] < M.votes[m][2]):
36 motion = "Motion denied"
37- Votes.insert(0," * " + motion + " (For/Against/Abstained "+str(M.votes[m][0])+"/"+str(M.votes[m][2])+"/"+str(M.votes[m][1]) + ")")
38 if len(M.publicVoters[m]) > 0:
39 publicVoters = ', '.join(set(M.publicVoters[m]))
40- Votes.append(" * Voters " + publicVoters)
41+ Votes.insert(0, " * Voters " + publicVoters)
42+ Votes.insert(0," * " + motion + " (For/Against/Abstained "+str(M.votes[m][0])+"/"+str(M.votes[m][2])+"/"+str(M.votes[m][1]) + ")")
43+ # differentiate denied votes somehow, strikethrough perhaps?
44+ Votes.insert(0," * [[%(fullLogsFullURL)s#"+str(M.votes[m][3])+" "+m+"]]"))
45 Votes = "\n".join(Votes)
46 return Votes
48@@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@
49 body.append(self.body_start%repl)
50 body.append(self.meetingItems())
51 body.append(self.votes()%repl)
52- body.append(self.actionItems())
53 body.append(self.actionItemsPerson())
54 body.append(self.doneItems())
55 body.append(self.peoplePresent())


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