
Last commit made on 2022-09-23
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git clone -b pro-jammy-release https://git.launchpad.net/~lamoura/update-notifier
Only Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura can upload to this branch. If you are Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura please log in for upload directions.

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Recent commits

7b27777... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

New jammy release:

8766857... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

apt_check: update ESM service name (LP: #1980368)

Update naming and description for ESM services advertised
by the apt_check script

b6f5ebd... by Christian Ehrhardt 

changelog: do not update eol data more than once per day (LP: #1893716)

Signed-off-by: Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>

02f3757... by Christian Ehrhardt 

d/95-hwe-eol: do not update eol data more than once per day (LP: #1893716)

Signed-off-by: Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden>

9abcf79... by Brian Murray

releasing package update-notifier version 3.192.53

8c71392... by Brian Murray

data/list-oem-metapackages: Complete the transition to apt_pkg which was not fully done in the previous upload. (LP: #1966811)

1d2214c... by Alberto Milone

releasing package update-notifier version 3.192.52

68032b3... by Alberto Milone

data/list-oem-metapackages: fully transition to apt_pkg

This makes the code compatible with the new apt_pkg based
UbuntuDrivers (LP: #1964923).

Credit goes to Bin Li for spotting the problem and
suggesting a fix.

6e96637... by Robert Ancell

Disable Ubuntu Pro notification

6ccf604... by Sebastien Bacher

Display the Ubuntu Pro notification only if software-properties is there

The action wouldn't work otherwise