
Last commit made on 2022-09-28
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Only Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura can upload to this branch. If you are Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura please log in for upload directions.

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Recent commits

3e66cea... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

New focal release:

9caafef... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

Change ua status to pro status

6ff2833... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

Fix pyflakes warning on apt_check.py script

4a1299e... by Olivier Gayot

Reconcile source tree with the archive

Done by cherry-picking from git-ubuntu import and resolving
the expected d/changelog conflict.

7ca5f2d... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

New focal release:

698048c... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

apt_check: update ESM service name (LP: #1980368)

Update naming and description for ESM services advertised
by the apt_check script

9ff9b3c... by Brian Murray

Adjust update-notifier-crash.service so that the report process is not killed before it has a chance to act (LP: #1821412)

533cdd4... by Dave Jones

Sleep for up to an hour in the background in order to spread the load of checking for release updates on the Ubuntu infrastructure (LP: #1836475)

1a3b002... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

* debian/control: add lsb-release to the update-notifier-common depends as
  it is used by apt-cdrom-check. (LP: #1927996)
* data/apt_check.py
  - Only show esm-apps alerts on lts and non-esm distros (LP: #1926990)
  - Update esm-infra alert for distros on ESM mode
  - Show message with number of upgradable packages even if that
    number is zero (LP: #1926819)
  - Get distro name and version directly from /etc/os-release
  - Fallback to lsb_release command if there are any problems using
    /etc/os-release as source of information
  - Show esm-apps status header when running on LTS distro that
    has not yet entered Extended Security Maintenance

c6abfe7... by Lucas Albuquerque Medeiros de Moura

* data/apt_check.py:
  - Add support to handle packages from ESM Apps in addition to ESM Infra
    and only display alerts if the distro is ESM. (LP: #1924766)
  - Do not display a count of ESM packages if the system does not have ESM
    enabled. (LP: #1883315)
  - Make distinction between standard security updates and ESM updates
    when performing package counts. (LP: #1926208)
  - use 'applied' instead of 'installed', redact 0 of these updates are
    security updates, and correct singular messages
* data/backend_helper.py:
  - fix pyflakes test
* debian/control: Add a dependency on python3-distro-info.