
Created by Timo Jyrinki and last modified
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Kubuntu Packagers

Recent revisions

72. By Timo Jyrinki

Build against Qt 5.7.

71. By Timo Jyrinki

Release to yakkety

70. By Timo Jyrinki

* Build against Qt 5.6.
* debian/patches/Install-QtOrganizer-example-applications.patch:
  - Add targets to install successfully.

69. By Timo Jyrinki


68. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/Does-not-convert-datetime-properties-to-UTC.patch:
  - Avoid converting datetime values to UTC. Upstream commit at

67. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/fix_recurrence_events.patch:
  - Fix issues related to repeating events (LP: #1546466) (LP: #1500192)
    (LP: #1455864) (LP: #1535207) (LP: #1471588) (LP: #1364653)
    (LP: #1473685) (LP: #1447930)

66. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/QtVersit-Fix-crash-on-access-to-static-variable-in-m.patch:
  - Fix a crash in versit (LP: #1521331)

65. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/QtOrganizer-fix-date-only-value-handling-to-avoid-UT.patch:
  - A patch for all day event returning wrong value (LP: #1462989)

64. By Timo Jyrinki

* debian/patches/Added-list-of-imported-ids-as-argument-for-importIte.patch:
  - Improve vcard importing (LP: #1517880)

63. By Timo Jyrinki

Fix the patch formatting.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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