branches with status:
Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:~kre/+junk/wrapsvn-migrate 0 Experimental 2010-07-06 13:28:43 UTC
7. Update from tukan/122 CVS: ----------...

Author: kre <kre>
Revision Date: 2005-05-28 13:08:45 UTC

Update from tukan/122
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Issue number:
CVS: If this change addresses one or more issues,
CVS: then enter the issue number(s) here.
CVS: Obtained from:
CVS: If this change has been taken from another system,
CVS: then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it.
CVS: Submitted by:
CVS: If this code has been contributed to the project by someone else; i.e.,
CVS: they sent us a patch or a set of diffs, then include their name/email
CVS: address here. If this is your work then delete this line.
CVS: Reviewed by:
CVS: If we are doing pre-commit code reviews and someone else has
CVS: reviewed your changes, include their name(s) here.
CVS: If you have not had it reviewed then delete this line.

11 of 1 result