
Created by Felix Geyer and last modified
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KeePassX Developers

Recent revisions

1089. By Felix Geyer

Check if the tray icon is visible before minimizing to it.

1088. By Felix Geyer

Use availableGeometry() to calculate the dialog position.

availableGeometry() excludes ares where windows can't be placed (e.g. panels).

1087. By Felix Geyer

Show AutoTypeSelectDialog on the active desktop.

This wasn't always the case on X11 with virtual desktops.

Closes #359

1086. By Felix Geyer

Check XML key file for valid base64 before using it.

QByteArray::fromBase64() doesn't validate the input.

Closes #366

1085. By Felix Geyer

Auto-Type: Only require a substring match for regex.

This matches the behavior of KeePass.

Refs #357

1084. By Felix Geyer

TestAutoType: Restore AutoTypeEntryTitleMatch before every test.

1083. By Felix Geyer

Disable systray on OS X.

It's not useful on that platform.

Refs #326

1082. By Felix Geyer

Expose version of used libraries in the About dialog.

1081. By Felix Geyer

OS X: Restore main window when clicking on the docker icon.

Apparently this worked previously. Maybe a regression in Qt?

Refs #326

1080. By Felix Geyer

Cope with focusWidget/activeWindow returning windows that are minimized.

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