
Created by Justas Sadzevičius and last modified
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Justas Sadzevičius

Recent revisions

178. By Justas Sadzevičius

Reload task list if gtimelogrc changed.

177. By Justas Sadzevičius

More filtering options.

176. By Justas Sadzevičius

Fast-and-dirty "recent" task list to pick from most recent, most worked on and most often worked on tasks.

175. By Marius Gedminas

Ellipsis after "Report for a Previous Day/Week/Month..." menu items.

They open dialogs, after all.

174. By Marius Gedminas

Show week numbers in popup calendars.

Especially useful for selecting the week for the weekly report.

173. By Marius Gedminas

Acknowledge in the About box that I'm not the only author!

This is inadequate, but I'm not sure what the best way to list everyone would
be... hm, Gtk+ now has a standard About dialog, doesn't it?

172. By Marius Gedminas

The tasks pane can be toggled by pressing F9 and has a close button.

Getting the padding right was a bit of a nightmare; I had to reverse-engineer
(fancy word for "read the source code") the widget structure of Totem's

The plan is to change the tasks pane into a sidebar that can display various
kinds of things. What kinds? I'm sure I'll come up with something. E.g.
a summary of work done this week for each project would be nice.

171. By Laurynas Speicys

Daily reports include totals by category.

170. By Marius Gedminas

Update file lists in setup.py and MANIFEST.in with file changes (.glade -> .ui).

169. By Marius Gedminas

Update changelog, increment version number to 0.5.0dev.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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