Merge lp:~julie-w/unifield-server/US-5216 into lp:unifield-server

Proposed by jftempo
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 5777
Proposed branch: lp:~julie-w/unifield-server/US-5216
Merge into: lp:unifield-server
Diff against target: 1436 lines (+578/-168) (has conflicts)
14 files modified
bin/addons/account/ (+144/-39)
bin/addons/account/account_view.xml (+25/-19)
bin/addons/account/wizard/ (+4/-3)
bin/addons/account/wizard/account_subscription_generate_view.xml (+2/-2)
bin/addons/account/wizard/ (+10/-0)
bin/addons/account_period_closing_level/ (+1/-14)
bin/addons/account_subscription/ (+0/-1)
bin/addons/account_subscription/ (+125/-7)
bin/addons/account_subscription/account_model_view.xml (+72/-19)
bin/addons/analytic_distribution/wizard/ (+5/-0)
bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml (+7/-0)
bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po (+122/-63)
bin/addons/msf_profile/ (+60/-0)
bin/addons/msf_profile/usability.xml (+1/-1)
Text conflict in bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml
Text conflict in bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~julie-w/unifield-server/US-5216
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UniField Reviewer Team Pending
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1=== modified file 'bin/addons/account/'
2--- bin/addons/account/ 2020-03-11 13:40:27 +0000
3+++ bin/addons/account/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
4@@ -2354,6 +2354,29 @@
5 break
6 return res
8+ def _is_frozen_model(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
9+ """
10+ Returns True for the Recurring Plans for which the model field should be frozen, i.e. readonly:
11+ - if journal entries have been generated, posted or not
12+ - if the model already selected is in Done state (note that Done models aren't selectable, so the model would
13+ have been selected BEFORE it becomes Done).
14+ """
15+ if context is None:
16+ context = {}
17+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
18+ ids = [ids]
19+ res = {}
20+ for plan in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, fields_to_fetch=['model_id', 'lines_id'], context=context):
21+ res[] = False
22+ if plan.model_id.state == 'done':
23+ res[] = True
24+ else:
25+ for line in plan.lines_id:
26+ if line.move_id:
27+ res[] = True
28+ break
29+ return res
31 _columns = {
32 'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True),
33 'ref': fields.char('Reference', size=16),
34@@ -2361,45 +2384,142 @@
36 'date_start':'Start Date', required=True),
37 'period_total': fields.integer('Number of Periods', required=True),
38- 'period_nbr': fields.integer('Period', required=True),
39+ 'period_nbr': fields.integer('Repeat', required=True,
40+ help="This field will determine how often entries will be generated: if the period type is 'month' and the repeat '2' then entries will be generated every 2 months"),
41 'period_type': fields.selection([('day','days'),('month','month'),('year','year')], 'Period Type', required=True),
42 'state': fields.selection([('draft','Draft'),('running','Running'),('done','Done')], 'State', required=True, readonly=True),
44 'lines_id': fields.one2many('account.subscription.line', 'subscription_id', 'Subscription Lines'),
45 'has_unposted_entries': fields.function(_get_has_unposted_entries, method=True, type='boolean',
46 store=False, string='Has unposted entries'),
47+ 'frozen_model': fields.function(_is_frozen_model, method=True, type='boolean', store=False, string='Frozen model'),
48 }
49 _defaults = {
50 'date_start': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
51 'period_type': 'month',
52- 'period_total': 12,
53+ 'period_total': 0,
54 'period_nbr': 1,
55 'state': 'draft',
56 }
58- def check(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
59- todone = []
60- for sub in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
61- ok = True
62- for line in sub.lines_id:
63- if not
64- ok = False
65+ _order = 'date_start desc, id desc'
67+ def _check_repeat_value(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
68+ """
69+ Prevents negative frequency
70+ """
71+ for plan in, uid, ids, ['period_nbr']):
72+ if plan['period_nbr'] < 1:
73+ return False
74+ return True
76+ def _check_plan_name_unicity(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
77+ """
78+ Prevents having 2 rec. plans using the same name
79+ """
80+ for plan in, uid, ids, ['name']):
81+ if self.search_exist(cr, uid, [('name', '=', plan['name']), ('id', '!=', plan['id'])]):
82+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
83+ _('It is not possible to have several Recurring Plans with the same name: %s.') % plan['name'])
84+ return True
86+ _constraints = [
87+ (_check_repeat_value, 'The value in the field "Repeat" must be greater than 0!', ['period_nbr']),
88+ (_check_plan_name_unicity, 'It is not possible to have several Recurring Plans with the same name.', ['name']),
89+ ]
91+ def copy(self, cr, uid, acc_sub_id, default=None, context=None):
92+ """
93+ Account Subscription duplication:
94+ - block the process if the model has been set to Done as it shouldn't be used in any plans created afterwards
95+ - don't copy the link with subscription lines
96+ - add " (copy)" after the name
97+ """
98+ if context is None:
99+ context = {}
100+ sub_copied = self.browse(cr, uid, acc_sub_id, fields_to_fetch=['name', 'model_id'], context=context)
101+ if sub_copied.model_id.state == 'done':
102+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('You cannot duplicate a Recurring Plan with a Done model.'))
103+ suffix = ' (copy)'
104+ name = '%s%s' % ([:64 - len(suffix)], suffix)
105+ if default is None:
106+ default = {}
107+ default.update({
108+ 'lines_id': [],
109+ 'name': name,
110+ })
111+ return super(account_subscription, self).copy(cr, uid, acc_sub_id, default, context=context)
113+ def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
114+ """
115+ Edition of the Recurring Plans. If the model has been changed, triggers the recomputation of the state of the previous model used.
117+ UC: use the model X in one plan. Compute Rec. entries => the plans and models are Running.
118+ Select another model in the plan => model X must be set back to Draft.
119+ """
120+ if not ids:
121+ return True
122+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
123+ ids = [ids]
124+ if context is None:
125+ context = {}
126+ rec_model_obj = self.pool.get('account.model')
127+ models_to_check = set()
128+ for rec_plan in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, fields_to_fetch=['model_id'], context=context):
129+ previous_model_id =
130+ if 'model_id' in vals and vals['model_id'] != previous_model_id:
131+ models_to_check.add(previous_model_id)
132+ res = super(account_subscription, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
133+ if models_to_check:
134+ # check model states after the plan states have been updated
135+ rec_model_obj._store_set_values(cr, uid, list(models_to_check), ['state'], context)
136+ return res
138+ def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
139+ """
140+ Prevents deletion in case the subscription lines have already been computed
141+ """
142+ if context is None:
143+ context = {}
144+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
145+ ids = [ids]
146+ sub_lines_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line')
147+ if sub_lines_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('subscription_id', 'in', ids)], context=context):
148+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('You cannot delete a Recurring Plan if Subscription lines have already been computed.'))
149+ return super(account_subscription, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
151+ def update_plan_state(self, cr, uid, subscription_id, context=None):
152+ """
153+ Updates the Recurring Plan state with the following rules:
154+ - no lines computed = Draft
155+ - lines computed but not all lines posted = Running
156+ - all lines posted = Done
157+ """
158+ if context is None:
159+ context = {}
160+ sub = self.browse(cr, uid, subscription_id, fields_to_fetch=['lines_id'], context=context)
161+ if not sub.lines_id:
162+ state = 'draft'
163+ else:
164+ running = False
165+ for sub_line in sub.lines_id:
166+ if not sub_line.move_id or sub_line.move_id.state != 'posted':
167+ running = True
168 break
169- if ok:
170- todone.append(
171- if todone:
172- self.write(cr, uid, todone, {'state':'done'})
173- return False
174+ if running:
175+ state = 'running'
176+ else:
177+ state = 'done'
178+ self.write(cr, uid, subscription_id, {'state': state}, context=context)
180 def remove_line(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
181 toremove = []
182 for sub in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
183 for line in sub.lines_id:
184- if not
185+ if not line.move_id:
186 toremove.append(
187 if toremove:
188 self.pool.get('account.subscription.line').unlink(cr, uid, toremove)
189- self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'draft'})
190 return False
192 def delete_unposted(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
193@@ -2407,29 +2527,17 @@
194 This method:
195 - searches for the unposted Journal Entries linked to the account subscription(s)
196 - deletes the unposted JEs, and the related JIs and AJIs
197- - deletes all the Subscription Lines not linked to a Posted JE
198- - triggers the "Compute" method on the subscription(s) to get the correct lines and state
199 """
200 if context is None:
201 context = {}
202- subline_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line')
203 je_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
204- subline_to_delete_ids = []
205 je_to_delete_ids = []
206 for sub in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, fields_to_fetch=['lines_id'], context=context):
207 for subline in sub.lines_id:
208- if not subline.move_id:
209- # also deletes the sub. lines without JE (covers the case where frequency has been modified
210- # => avoids having inconsistent lines at the end of the process)
211- subline_to_delete_ids.append(
212- elif subline.move_id.state == 'draft': # draft = Unposted state
213- subline_to_delete_ids.append(
214+ if subline.move_id and subline.move_id.state == 'draft': # draft = Unposted state
215 je_to_delete_ids.append(
216- subline_obj.unlink(cr, uid, subline_to_delete_ids, context=context)
217- je_obj.unlink(cr, uid, je_to_delete_ids, context=context) # also deletes JIs / AJIs
218- # retrigger the creation of the subscription lines "to be generated"
219- # and recompute the state of the subscription accordingly (= "Running" if lines have been generated)
220- self.compute(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
221+ if je_to_delete_ids:
222+ je_obj.unlink(cr, uid, je_to_delete_ids, context=context) # also deletes JIs / AJIs
223 return True
225 def get_dates_to_create(self, cr, uid, subscription_id, context=None):
226@@ -2460,6 +2568,9 @@
227 if context is None:
228 context = {}
229 for sub in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
230+ if sub.state == 'running':
231+ # first remove existing lines without JE
232+ self.remove_line(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
233 if sub.model_id and sub.model_id.has_any_bad_ad_line_exp_in:
234 # UFTP-103: block compute if recurring model has line with
235 # expense/income accounts with invalid AD
236@@ -2474,10 +2585,7 @@
237 'date': date_sub,
238 'subscription_id':,
239 })
240- if dates_to_create:
241- self.write(cr, uid,, {'state': 'running'}, context=context)
242- else: # all the subscription lines were already created => the account subscription can be marked as "Done"
243- self.write(cr, uid,, {'state': 'done'}, context=context)
244+ self.update_plan_state(cr, uid,, context=context)
245 return True
246 account_subscription()
248@@ -2492,19 +2600,16 @@
249 _order = 'date, id'
251 def move_create(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
252- tocheck = {}
253 all_moves = []
254 obj_model = self.pool.get('account.model')
255 for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
256 datas = {
257 'date':,
258+ 'ref': line.subscription_id.ref or '',
259 }
260 move_ids = obj_model.generate(cr, uid, [], datas, context)
261- tocheck[] = True
262 self.write(cr, uid, [], {'move_id':move_ids[0]})
263 all_moves.extend(move_ids)
264- if tocheck:
265- self.pool.get('account.subscription').check(cr, uid, tocheck.keys(), context)
266 return all_moves
268 _rec_name = 'date'
270=== modified file 'bin/addons/account/account_view.xml'
271--- bin/addons/account/account_view.xml 2019-11-04 09:40:45 +0000
272+++ bin/addons/account/account_view.xml 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
273@@ -1711,10 +1711,12 @@
274 <field name="model">account.model</field>
275 <field name="type">tree</field>
276 <field name="arch" type="xml">
277- <tree string="Journal Entry Model">
278+ <tree string="Journal Entry Model" colors="grey:state=='done';blue:state=='draft';black:state=='running'">
279 <field name="name"/>
280 <field name="journal_id"/>
281 <field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
282+ <field name="create_date"/>
283+ <field name="state"/>
284 </tree>
285 </field>
286 </record>
287@@ -1729,9 +1731,11 @@
288 <filter string="Sale" icon="terp-camera_test" domain="[('journal_id.type', '=', 'sale')]"/>
289 <filter string="Purchase" icon="terp-purchase" domain="[('journal_id.type', '=', 'purchase')]"/>
290 <separator orientation="vertical"/>
291+ <filter icon="terp-document-new" string="Draft" name="draft" domain="[('state', '=', 'draft')]"/>
292+ <filter icon="terp-camera_test" string="Running" name="running" domain="[('state', '=', 'running')]"/>
293+ <filter icon="terp-dialog-close" string="Done" name="done" domain="[('state', '=', 'done')]" />
294 <field name="name"/>
295- <field name="journal_id" widget="selection"/>
296- <field name="company_id" widget="selection" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
297+ <field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '=', 'purchase'), ('is_current_instance', '=', True)]"/>
298 </group>
299 <newline/>
300 <group expand="0" string="Group By...">
301@@ -1746,6 +1750,7 @@
302 <field name="res_model">account.model</field>
303 <field name="view_type">form</field>
304 <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
305+ <field name="context">{'search_default_draft': 1, 'search_default_running': 1}</field>
306 <field name="search_view_id" ref="view_model_search"/>
307 </record>
308 <menuitem
309@@ -1885,7 +1890,7 @@
310 <field name="model">account.subscription</field>
311 <field name="type">tree</field>
312 <field name="arch" type="xml">
313- <tree colors="blue:state in ('draft');gray:state in ('done');black:state in ('running')" string="Entry Subscription">
314+ <tree colors="blue:state=='draft';grey:state=='done';black:state=='running'" string="Recurring Plan">
315 <field name="name"/>
316 <field name="model_id"/>
317 <field name="ref"/>
318@@ -1900,10 +1905,10 @@
319 <field name="model">account.subscription</field>
320 <field name="type">search</field>
321 <field name="arch" type="xml">
322- <search string="Entry Subscription">
323+ <search string="Recurring Plan">
324 <group col="8" colspan="4">
325- <filter icon="terp-document-new" string="Draft" name="draft" domain="[('state','=','draft')]" help="Draft Subscription"/>
326- <filter icon="terp-camera_test" string="Running" name="running" domain="[('state','=','running')]" help="Running Subscription"/>
327+ <filter icon="terp-document-new" string="Draft" name="draft" domain="[('state', '=', 'draft')]"/>
328+ <filter icon="terp-camera_test" string="Running" name="running" domain="[('state', '=', 'running')]"/>
329 <filter icon="terp-dialog-close" string="Done" name="done" domain="[('state','=','done')]" />
330 <separator orientation="vertical"/>
331 <field name="name"/>
332@@ -1924,19 +1929,20 @@
333 <field name="model">account.subscription</field>
334 <field name="type">form</field>
335 <field name="arch" type="xml">
336- <form string="Recurring">
337- <group col="6" colspan="4">
338+ <form string="Recurring Plan">
339+ <group col="6" colspan="4" attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}">
340 <field name="name" select="1"/>
341- <field name="model_id"/>
342+ <field name="frozen_model" invisible="1"/>
343+ <field name="model_id" domain="[('state', '!=', 'done')]" attrs="{'readonly': [('frozen_model', '=', True)]}"/>
344 <field name="ref" select="1"/>
345 </group>
346- <group col="2" colspan="2">
347+ <group col="2" colspan="2" attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}">
348 <separator colspan="4" string="Starts on"/>
349 <field name="date_start" select="1"/>
350 <field name="period_total"/>
351 </group>
353- <group col="2" colspan="2">
354+ <group col="2" colspan="2" attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}">
355 <separator colspan="4" string="Valid Up to"/>
356 <field name="period_nbr"/>
357 <field name="period_type"/>
358@@ -1945,7 +1951,8 @@
359 <group col="2" colspan="2">
360 </group>
361 <separator colspan="4" string="Subscription Lines"/>
362- <field colspan="4" name="lines_id" widget="one2many_list" nolabel="1"/>
363+ <field colspan="4" name="lines_id" widget="one2many_list" nolabel="1"
364+ attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}"/>
366 <group col="6" colspan="4">
367 <field name="state"/>
368@@ -1953,23 +1960,22 @@
369 <button name="delete_unposted" type="object" icon="terp-gtk-stop"
370 string="Delete Unposted Entries"
371 attrs="{'readonly': [('has_unposted_entries', '=', False)]}"/>
372- <button name="compute" states="draft" string="Compute" type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific"/>
373- <button name="remove_line" states="running" string="Remove Lines" type="object" icon="gtk-remove"/>
374+ <button name="compute" states="draft,running" string="Compute" type="object" icon="terp-stock_format-scientific"/>
375 </group>
376 </form>
377 </field>
378 </record>
379 <record id="action_subscription_form" model="ir.actions.act_window">
380- <field name="name">Recurring Lines</field>
381+ <field name="name">Recurring Plan</field>
382 <field name="res_model">account.subscription</field>
383 <field name="view_type">form</field>
384 <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
385 <field name="search_view_id" ref="view_subscription_search"/>
386- <field name="context">{'search_default_draft': 1, 'search_default_running': 1}</field>
387- <field name="help">A recurring entry is a miscellaneous entry that occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Define Recurring Entries, you can create such entries to automate the postings in the system.</field>
388+ <field name="context">{'search_default_running': 1, 'search_default_draft': 1}</field>
389+ <field name="help">A recurring entry is a miscellaneous entry that occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Recurring Plan, you can create such entries to automate the postings in the system.</field>
390 </record>
391 <menuitem
392- name="Define Recurring Entries" action="action_subscription_form"
393+ name="Recurring Plan" action="action_subscription_form"
394 groups="base.group_extended"
395 id="menu_action_subscription_form" sequence="1"
396 parent="account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries"/>
398=== modified file 'bin/addons/account/wizard/'
399--- bin/addons/account/wizard/ 2018-10-17 09:25:17 +0000
400+++ bin/addons/account/wizard/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
401@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
402 account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account')
403 moves_created=[]
404 for data in, uid, ids, context=context):
405- cr.execute('select id from account_subscription_line where date<%s and move_id is null', (data['date'],))
406+ cr.execute('select id from account_subscription_line where date<=%s and move_id is null;', (data['date'],))
407 line_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
408 # check that the entry is valid before creating it
409 for sub_line in sub_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context):
410@@ -66,10 +66,11 @@
411 raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('The entry is not balanced for the Recurring Model %s!') % (
412 moves = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line').move_create(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context)
413 moves_created.extend(moves)
414- result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', 'action_move_line_form')
415+ result = mod_obj.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account_subscription', 'act_account_subscription_to_account_move_line_open')
416 id = result and result[1] or False
417 result =, uid, [id], context=context)[0]
418- result['domain'] = str([('id','in',moves_created)])
419+ # restrict display to Draft lines so that they automatically disappear from the list once the user posts them
420+ result['domain'] = str([('move_id', 'in', moves_created), ('move_state', '=', 'draft')])
421 return result
423 account_subscription_generate()
425=== modified file 'bin/addons/account/wizard/account_subscription_generate_view.xml'
426--- bin/addons/account/wizard/account_subscription_generate_view.xml 2011-01-14 00:11:01 +0000
427+++ bin/addons/account/wizard/account_subscription_generate_view.xml 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
428@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
429 <field name="type">form</field>
430 <field name="arch" type="xml">
431 <form string="Subscription Compute">
432- <separator string="Generate Entries before:" colspan="4"/>
433- <label string ="Automatically generate entries based on what has been entered in the system before a specific date." colspan="4" nolabel="1"/>
434+ <separator string="Generate Entries until:" colspan="4"/>
435+ <label string = "Automatically generate entries based on what has been entered in the system until a specific date." colspan="4" nolabel="1"/>
436 <newline/>
437 <field name="date"/>
438 <separator colspan="4" />
440=== modified file 'bin/addons/account/wizard/'
441--- bin/addons/account/wizard/ 2011-01-14 00:11:01 +0000
442+++ bin/addons/account/wizard/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
443@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
444 def validate_move_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
445 obj_move_line = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
446 obj_move = self.pool.get('account.move')
447+ obj_subscription_line = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line')
448+ obj_recurring_plan = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
449 move_ids = []
450 if context is None:
451 context = {}
452@@ -60,6 +62,14 @@
453 if not move_ids:
454 raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('Selected Entry Lines does not have any account move enties in draft state'))
455 obj_move.button_validate(cr, uid, move_ids, context)
456+ # update the state of the related Recurring Plans if any
457+ sub_line_ids =, uid, [('move_id', 'in', move_ids)], context=context)
458+ if sub_line_ids:
459+ recurring_plans = set()
460+ for sub_line in obj_subscription_line.browse(cr, uid, sub_line_ids, fields_to_fetch=['subscription_id'], context=context):
461+ recurring_plans.add(
462+ for recurring_plan_id in recurring_plans:
463+ obj_recurring_plan.update_plan_state(cr, uid, recurring_plan_id, context=context)
464 return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
465 validate_account_move_lines()
468=== modified file 'bin/addons/account_period_closing_level/'
469--- bin/addons/account_period_closing_level/ 2020-03-20 14:08:02 +0000
470+++ bin/addons/account_period_closing_level/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
471@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
472 from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
473 from account_period_closing_level import ACCOUNT_PERIOD_STATE_SELECTION
474 from register_accounting import register_tools
475-from datetime import datetime
478 class account_period(osv.osv):
479@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@
481 # Prepare some elements
482 reg_obj = self.pool.get('')
483- sub_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
484 sub_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line')
485 curr_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency')
486 curr_rate_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency.rate')
487@@ -233,21 +231,10 @@
488 "to close and have a balance which isn't equal to 0:\n"
489 "%s") % ", ".join([ for r in reg_ko]))
491- # check if subscriptions lines haven't been generated yet for this period
492- draft_sub_ids =, uid, [('state', '=', 'draft')], order='NO_ORDER', context=context)
493- for draft_sub_id in draft_sub_ids:
494- dates_to_create = sub_obj.get_dates_to_create(cr, uid, draft_sub_id, context=context)
495- date_stop_dt = datetime.strptime(period.date_stop, "%Y-%m-%d")
496- for date_to_create in dates_to_create:
497- date_to_create_dt = datetime.strptime(date_to_create, "%Y-%m-%d")
498- if date_to_create_dt <= date_stop_dt:
499- raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _("Subscription Lines included in the Period \"%s\" or before haven't been generated. "
500- "Please generate them and create the related recurring entries "
501- "before closing the period.") % (,))
502 # for subscription lines generated check if some related recurring entries haven't been created yet
503 if sub_line_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('date', '<=', period.date_stop), ('move_id', '=', False)], context=context):
504 raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _("Recurring entries included in the Period \"%s\" or before haven't been created. "
505- "Please create them before closing the period.") % (,))
506+ "Please generate them before closing the period.") % (,))
507 # then verify that all currencies have a fx rate in this period
508 # retrieve currencies for this period (in account_move_lines)
509 sql = """SELECT DISTINCT currency_id
511=== modified file 'bin/addons/account_subscription/'
512--- bin/addons/account_subscription/ 2012-08-09 11:20:48 +0000
513+++ bin/addons/account_subscription/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
514@@ -22,6 +22,5 @@
515 import account_move_line
516 import account_model
517 import account_use_model
518-import account_subscription
520 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
522=== modified file 'bin/addons/account_subscription/'
523--- bin/addons/account_subscription/ 2020-01-22 10:35:39 +0000
524+++ bin/addons/account_subscription/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
525@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
526 selection=[('no_exp_in', 'Not expense/income'), ('no_header', 'No header'),
527 ('valid', 'Valid'), ('invalid', 'Invalid'), ('invalid_small_amount', 'Invalid')],
528 string='Expense/income line status'), # UFTP-103
529+ 'is_balanced': fields.related('model_id', 'is_balanced', type='boolean', string='Is balanced', readonly=True, store=False),
530 }
532 _defaults = {
533@@ -253,6 +254,75 @@
534 break
535 return res
537+ def _get_model_state(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
538+ """
539+ A model is:
540+ - in Done state if it is used in a least one Done Recurring Plan,
541+ - in Running state if it is used in a least one Running Recurring Plan,
542+ - in Draft state otherwise.
543+ """
544+ if context is None:
545+ context = {}
546+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
547+ ids = [ids]
548+ res = {}
549+ recurring_plan_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
550+ for model_id in ids:
551+ if recurring_plan_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('model_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'done')], context=context):
552+ state = 'done'
553+ elif recurring_plan_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('model_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'running')], context=context):
554+ state = 'running'
555+ else:
556+ state = 'draft'
557+ res[model_id] = state
558+ return res
560+ def _get_models_to_check(self, cr, uid, recurring_plan_ids, context=None):
561+ """
562+ Returns the list of Recurring Models for which the state should be checked and updated if necessary
563+ """
564+ if context is None:
565+ context = {}
566+ res = set()
567+ recurring_plan_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
568+ for rec_plan in recurring_plan_obj.browse(cr, uid, recurring_plan_ids, fields_to_fetch=['model_id'], context=context):
569+ res.add(
570+ return list(res)
572+ def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
573+ """
574+ Prevents deletion in case the model has been selected into a Recurring Plan
575+ """
576+ if context is None:
577+ context = {}
578+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
579+ ids = [ids]
580+ recurring_plan_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
581+ recurring_plan_ids =, uid, [('model_id', 'in', ids)], context=context)
582+ if recurring_plan_ids:
583+ plan_names = [ for p in recurring_plan_obj.browse(cr, uid, recurring_plan_ids, fields_to_fetch=['name'], context=context)]
584+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('You cannot delete a model which is used in the following plan(s): %s') %
585+ (', '.join(plan_names),))
586+ return super(account_model, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
588+ def _get_is_balanced(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
589+ """
590+ Returns True for the models for which the total of the lines is zero
591+ """
592+ if context is None:
593+ context = {}
594+ if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
595+ ids = [ids]
596+ res = {}
597+ for model in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, fields_to_fetch=['lines_id'], context=context):
598+ debit = sum([l.debit or 0.0 for l in model.lines_id]) or 0.0
599+ credit = sum([ or 0.0 for l in model.lines_id]) or 0.0
600+ if abs(debit - credit) <= 10**-3:
601+ res[] = True
602+ else:
603+ res[] = False
604+ return res
606 _columns = {
607 'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', required=True),
608 'analytic_distribution_id': fields.many2one('analytic.distribution', 'Analytic Distribution'),
609@@ -260,13 +330,38 @@
610 method=True, type='boolean',
611 string='Has bad analytic distribution on expense/income lines',
612 help='There is lines with expense or income accounts with invalid analytic distribution or using header AD that is not defined or not compatible.'), # UFTP-103
613+ 'state': fields.function(_get_model_state, method=True, type='selection', string="State",
614+ selection=[('draft', 'Draft'), ('running', 'Running'), ('done', 'Done')],
615+ store={
616+ 'account.subscription': (_get_models_to_check, ['model_id', 'state'], 10),
617+ }),
618+ 'is_balanced': fields.function(_get_is_balanced, method=True, type='boolean', string="Is balanced", readonly=True, store=False),
619+ 'create_date':'Creation date', readonly=True), # overwrites the standard create_date so it can be displayed in the views
620+ 'recurring_plan_ids': fields.one2many('account.subscription', 'model_id', string='Recurring Plans', readonly=True),
621 }
623 _defaults = {
624 'currency_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context),
625 'has_any_bad_ad_line_exp_in': False,
626+ 'state': lambda *a: 'draft',
627 }
629+ _order = 'create_date DESC, id DESC'
631+ def _check_model_name_unicity(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
632+ """
633+ Prevents having 2 models using the same name
634+ """
635+ for model in, uid, ids, ['name']):
636+ if self.search_exist(cr, uid, [('name', '=', model['name']), ('id', '!=', model['id'])]):
637+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'),
638+ _('It is not possible to have several Recurring Models with the same name: %s.') % model['name'])
639+ return True
641+ _constraints = [
642+ (_check_model_name_unicity, 'It is not possible to have several Recurring Models with the same name.', ['name']),
643+ ]
645 # @@@override@account.account_model.generate()
646 def generate(self, cr, uid, ids, datas={}, context=None):
647 move_ids = []
648@@ -275,6 +370,7 @@
649 account_move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
650 pt_obj = self.pool.get('account.payment.term')
651 ana_obj = self.pool.get('analytic.distribution')
652+ period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period')
654 if context is None:
655 context = {}
656@@ -282,13 +378,15 @@
657 if datas.get('date', False):
658 context.update({'date': datas['date']})
660- period_id = self.pool.get('account.period').find(cr, uid, dt=context.get('date', False))
661- if not period_id:
662+ period_domain = [('date_start', '<=', context.get('date')), ('date_stop', '>=', context.get('date')), ('special', '=', False)]
663+ period_ids =, uid, period_domain, context=context)
665+ if not period_ids:
666 raise osv.except_osv(_('No period found !'), _('Unable to find a valid period !'))
667- period_id = period_id[0]
668+ period_id = period_ids[0]
669 # UFTP-105: Check that period is open. Otherwise raise an error
670- period = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, period_id, context=context)
671- if not period or period.state != 'draft':
672+ period = period_obj.browse(cr, uid, period_id, fields_to_fetch=['state', 'name'], context=context)
673+ if period.state != 'draft':
674 raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('This period should be in open state: %s') % (
676 for model in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
677@@ -315,8 +413,9 @@
678 except Exception:
679 raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('The name of the Recurring Model used is incorrect: %s\n'
680 'You can find a list of the formatted strings usable on the Recurring Model form.') %
681+ ref = datas.get('ref', '') or entry['name']
682 move_id = account_move_obj.create(cr, uid, {
683- 'ref': entry['name'],
684+ 'ref': ref,
685 'period_id': period_id,
686 'journal_id':,
687 'date': context.get('date',time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
688@@ -327,10 +426,11 @@
689 'move_id': move_id,
690 'journal_id':,
691 'period_id': period_id,
692+ 'reference': ref,
693 }
694 if line.account_id.is_analytic_addicted:
695 if line.analytic_distribution_state == 'invalid':
696- raise osv.except_osv(_('Invalid Analytic Distribution !'),_("Please define a valid analytic distribution for the recurring model '%s'!") % (
697+ raise osv.except_osv(_('Invalid Analytic Distribution !'),_("Please define a valid analytic distribution for the recurring model '%s'!") % (
698 if not model.journal_id.analytic_journal_id:
699 raise osv.except_osv(_('No Analytic Journal !'),_("You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!") % (,))
700 if line.analytic_distribution_id:
701@@ -438,5 +538,23 @@
702 recurring_obj.write(cr, uid, to_reset, {'analytic_distribution_id': False})
703 return True
705+ def copy(self, cr, uid, model_id, default=None, context=None):
706+ """
707+ Recurring Model duplication: don't copy the link with the rec. plans, and add " (copy)" after the name
708+ """
709+ if context is None:
710+ context = {}
711+ suffix = ' (copy)'
712+ model_copied =, uid, model_id, ['name'], context=context)
713+ name = '%s%s' % (model_copied['name'][:64 - len(suffix)], suffix)
714+ if default is None:
715+ default = {}
716+ default.update({
717+ 'name': name,
718+ 'recurring_plan_ids': [],
719+ })
720+ return super(account_model, self).copy(cr, uid, model_id, default, context=context)
723 account_model()
724 # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
726=== modified file 'bin/addons/account_subscription/account_model_view.xml'
727--- bin/addons/account_subscription/account_model_view.xml 2020-01-22 10:35:39 +0000
728+++ bin/addons/account_subscription/account_model_view.xml 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
729@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
730 <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_model_form"/>
731 <field name="arch" type="xml">
732 <form string="Journal Entry Model" position="replace">
733- <form string="Journal Entry Model">
734+ <form string="Recurring Models">
735 <group><html>
736 <p id="para_has_any_bad_ad_line_exp_in"
737 style="display:none; text-align:center; color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;">
738@@ -24,19 +24,38 @@
739 </script>
740 </html></group>
741 <group col="6" colspan="4">
742- <field name="name"/>
743- <field name="journal_id" domain="[('type','=','purchase'),('is_current_instance','=',True)]"/>
744- <field name="currency_id"/>
745+ <group attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}" colspan="6" col="6">
746+ <field name="name"/>
747+ <field name="journal_id" domain="[('type', '=', 'purchase'), ('is_current_instance', '=', True)]"/>
748+ <field name="currency_id"/>
749+ </group>
750 <group colspan="6" col="6" attrs="{'invisible': [('analytic_distribution_id', '=', False)]}">
751 <button name="button_analytic_distribution" string="Analytical Distribution" type="object" icon="terp-check" context="context" colspan="3" attrs="{'invisible': [('analytic_distribution_id', '=', False)]}"/>
752- <button name="button_reset_distribution" string="Reset AD at line level" type="object" icon="gtk-undelete" colspan="3"/>
753+ <button name="button_reset_distribution" string="Reset AD at line level" type="object"
754+ icon="gtk-undelete" colspan="3" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', '=', 'done')]}"/>
755 </group>
756 <group colspan="6" col="6" attrs="{'invisible': [('analytic_distribution_id', '!=', False)]}">
757 <button name="button_analytic_distribution" string="Analytical Distribution" type="object" icon="terp-emblem-important" context="context" colspan="3" attrs="{'invisible': [('analytic_distribution_id', '!=', False)]}"/>
758- <button name="button_reset_distribution" string="Reset AD at line level" type="object" icon="gtk-undelete" colspan="3"/>
759+ <button name="button_reset_distribution" string="Reset AD at line level" type="object"
760+ icon="gtk-undelete" colspan="3" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', '=', 'done')]}"/>
761 </group>
762 <field name="analytic_distribution_id" invisible="1"/>
763- <field colspan="6" nolabel="1" name="lines_id" widget="one2many_list"/>
764+ <notebook colspan="4">
765+ <page string="Model">
766+ <field nolabel="1" name="lines_id" widget="one2many_list" colspan="4"
767+ attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'done')]}"/>
768+ </page>
769+ <page string="Related plans">
770+ <field nolabel="1" name="recurring_plan_ids" colspan="4">
771+ <tree>
772+ <field name="name" string="Plan names"/>
773+ <field name="state" string="Plan status"/>
774+ </tree>
775+ </field>
776+ </page>
777+ </notebook>
778+ <label string="" colspan="4"/>
779+ <field name="state" readonly="1"/>
780 <separator colspan="6" string="Legend (for the Model Name)"/>
781 <group col="8" colspan="6">
782 <group>
783@@ -91,7 +110,8 @@
784 <field name="type">tree</field>
785 <field name="arch" type="xml">
786 <tree string="Journal Entry Model Line" editable="bottom"
787- colors="red: exp_in_ad_state in ('no_header', 'bad_header', 'invalid', 'invalid_small_amount')">
788+ colors="red: exp_in_ad_state in ('no_header', 'bad_header', 'invalid', 'invalid_small_amount');blue:not is_balanced and exp_in_ad_state not in ('no_header', 'bad_header', 'invalid', 'invalid_small_amount')">
789+ <field name="is_balanced" invisible="1"/>
790 <field name="sequence" readonly="1"/>
791 <field name="name"/>
792 <field name="account_id" domain="[('restricted_area', '=', 'recurring_lines')]"/>
793@@ -101,8 +121,8 @@
794 <field name="analytic_distribution_state" invisible="1"/>
795 <field name="is_allocatable" invisible="1"/>
796 <field name="partner_id"/>
797- <field name="debit"/>
798- <field name="credit"/>
799+ <field name="debit" sum="Total Debit"/>
800+ <field name="credit" sum="Total Credit"/>
801 <field name="exp_in_ad_state" invisible="1"/>
802 </tree>
803 </field>
804@@ -162,7 +182,7 @@
805 <field name="type">tree</field>
806 <field name="priority" eval="14"/>
807 <field name="arch" type="xml">
808- <tree string="Recurring Entries To Validate" min_rows="100"
809+ <tree string="Recurring Entries To Post" min_rows="100"
810 hide_new_button="1" hide_delete_button="1" hide_edit_button="1"
811 colors="red:analytic_distribution_state not in ('valid')">
812 <field name="instance_id"/>
813@@ -209,14 +229,47 @@
814 </field>
815 </record>
817- <act_window
818- id="act_account_subscription_to_account_move_line_open"
819- name="Recurring Entries To Validate"
820- domain="[('move_id.state','=','draft'), ('is_recurring', '=', True)]"
821- context="{'from_recurring_entries': True}"
822- res_model="account.move.line"
823- src_model="account.subscription"
824- view_id="account_move_line_recurring_entries_to_validate"/>
825+ <!-- Recurring Entries To Post Search View -->
826+ <record id="view_recurring_entries_to_post_search" model="ir.ui.view">
827+ <field name="name"></field>
828+ <field name="model">account.move.line</field>
829+ <field name="type">search</field>
830+ <field name="priority" eval="25"/>
831+ <field name="arch" type="xml">
832+ <search>
833+ <group colspan="6" col="14">
834+ <field name="move_id"/>
835+ <field name="name"/>
836+ <field name="ref"/>
837+ <field name="document_date"/>
838+ <field name="date"/>
839+ <field name="period_id" domain="[('special', '=', False), ('state', '=', 'draft')]"/>
840+ <field name="account_id" domain="[('restricted_area', '=', 'recurring_lines')]"/>
841+ <newline/>
842+ <!-- title matching with the tree view but only Partners are possible -->
843+ <field name="partner_id" string="Third Parties"/>
844+ <field name="debit_currency"/>
845+ <field name="credit_currency"/>
846+ <field name="currency_id"/>
847+ <field name="debit"/>
848+ <field name="credit"/>
849+ </group>
850+ </search>
851+ </field>
852+ </record>
854+ <!-- Recurring Entries To Post Entry Menu -->
855+ <record id="act_account_subscription_to_account_move_line_open" model="ir.actions.act_window">
856+ <field name="name">Recurring Entries To Post</field>
857+ <field name="res_model">account.move.line</field>
858+ <field name="src_model">account.subscription</field>
859+ <field name="view_type">form</field>
860+ <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
861+ <field name="view_id" ref="account_move_line_recurring_entries_to_validate"/>
862+ <field name="context">{'from_recurring_entries': True}</field>
863+ <field name="domain">[('move_id.state', '=', 'draft'), ('is_recurring', '=', True)]</field>
864+ <field name="search_view_id" ref="view_recurring_entries_to_post_search"/>
865+ </record>
867 </data>
868 </openerp>
870=== removed file 'bin/addons/account_subscription/'
871=== modified file 'bin/addons/analytic_distribution/wizard/'
872--- bin/addons/analytic_distribution/wizard/ 2020-02-21 15:15:49 +0000
873+++ bin/addons/analytic_distribution/wizard/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
874@@ -549,6 +549,11 @@
875 if not context.get('from_correction', False) and \
876 el.move_id.state and el.move_id.state not in ['draft']:
877 res[] = False
878+ # check Recurring Model state
879+ if el.model_id and el.model_id.state == 'done':
880+ res[] = False
881+ if el.model_line_id and el.model_line_id.model_id.state == 'done':
882+ res[] = False
883 return res
885 def _have_header(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
887=== modified file 'bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml'
888--- bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml 2020-08-04 08:00:56 +0000
889+++ bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
890@@ -577,9 +577,16 @@
891 <field name="method">us_7412_set_fy_closure_settings</field>
892 </record>
894+<<<<<<< TREE
895 <record id="us_6453_set_ref_on_in" model="patch.scripts">
896 <field name="method">us_6453_set_ref_on_in</field>
897 </record>
900+ <record id="us_5216_update_recurring_object_state" model="patch.scripts">
901+ <field name="method">us_5216_update_recurring_object_state</field>
902+ </record>
904+>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
905 </data>
906 </openerp>
908=== modified file 'bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po'
909--- bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po 2020-08-04 08:46:20 +0000
910+++ bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
911@@ -8436,7 +8436,7 @@
912 msgid "Either there are no moves linked to the picking or Accounting Journals are misconfigured!"
913 msgstr "Soit les Journaux Comptables sont mal configurés, soit il n'y a pas de mouvement connexe à ce prélèvement !"
915-#. modules: tender_flow, financing_contract, msf_tools, account_override, purchase_allocation_report, register_accounting, mission_stock, msf_accrual, finance, sync_client, return_claim, account_mcdb, res_currency_tables, supplier_catalogue, procurement_request, stock_forecast, analytic, stock_override, msf_doc_import, analytic_distribution, msf_order_date, msf_homere_interface, consumption_calculation, msf_instance, purchase_override, specific_rules, kit, out_step, base, msf_supply_doc_export, msf_budget, account_corrections, account, msf_outgoing, documents_done, sale, sales_followup, procurement, sourcing, purchase, msf_audittrail, stock, product, procurement_cycle
916+#. modules: tender_flow, financing_contract, msf_tools, account_override, purchase_allocation_report, register_accounting, mission_stock, msf_accrual, finance, sync_client, return_claim, account_mcdb, res_currency_tables, supplier_catalogue, procurement_request, stock_forecast, analytic, stock_override, msf_doc_import, analytic_distribution, msf_order_date, msf_homere_interface, consumption_calculation, msf_instance, purchase_override, specific_rules, kit, out_step, base, msf_supply_doc_export, msf_budget, account_corrections, account, msf_outgoing, documents_done, sale, sales_followup, procurement, sourcing, purchase, msf_audittrail, stock, product, procurement_cycle, account_subscription
917 #: code:addons/msf_supply_doc_export/wizard/
918 #:,state:0
919 #: field:ppl.processor,draft_step2:0
920@@ -8609,6 +8609,8 @@
921 #: selection:replenishment.segment,state:0
922 #: view:product.stock_out:0
923 #: selection:product.stock_out,state:0
924+#: selection:account.model,state:0
925+#: view:account.model:0
926 #, python-format
927 msgid "Draft"
928 msgstr "Brouillon"
929@@ -10058,11 +10060,6 @@
930 msgid "Funding pools:"
931 msgstr "Funding pools:"
933-#. module: account
934-#: view:account.subscription:0
935-msgid "Entry Subscription"
936-msgstr "Ecriture de souscription"
938 #. modules: account, account_period_closing_level
939 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_account_period_tree
940 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account_period_closing_level.action_account_period_closing_level_tree
941@@ -13614,9 +13611,10 @@
942 msgid "Invoice Control"
943 msgstr "Contrôle Facture"
945-#. module: account
946+#. modules: account, account_subscription
947 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_model_form
948 #:,name:account.menu_action_model_form
949+#: view:account.model:0
950 msgid "Recurring Models"
951 msgstr "Modèles périodiques"
953@@ -20777,12 +20775,11 @@
954 msgid "Etc/GMT-11"
955 msgstr "Etc/GMT-11"
957-#. modules: sales_followup, msf_tools, account
958+#. modules: sales_followup, msf_tools
959 #: selection:ir.followup.location.wizard,state:0
960 #: selection:job.in_progress,state:0
961-#: view:account.subscription:0
962 msgid "Done"
963-msgstr "Cloturé"
964+msgstr "Clôturé"
966 #. module: delivery_mechanism
967 #: code:addons/delivery_mechanism/
968@@ -23927,7 +23924,7 @@
969 #. module: account
970 #: field:account.subscription,period_nbr:0
971 msgid "Repeat"
972-msgstr "Repeat"
973+msgstr "Périodicité"
975 #. module: sourcing
976 #: code:addons/sourcing/
977@@ -30362,8 +30359,8 @@
979 #. module: account
980 #: view:account.subscription.generate:0
981-msgid "Automatically generate entries based on what has been entered in the system before a specific date."
982-msgstr "Génère automatiquement des écritures en se basant sur ce qui a été enregistré dans le système avant une date spécifique"
983+msgid "Automatically generate entries based on what has been entered in the system until a specific date."
984+msgstr "Génère automatiquement des écritures en se basant sur ce qui a été enregistré dans le système jusqu'à une date spécifique."
986 #. module: base
987 #: model:res.currency,currency_name:base.DZD
988@@ -33535,11 +33532,6 @@
989 msgid "used in statement reconciliation domain, but shouldn't be used elswhere."
990 msgstr "utilisé dans le domaine du lettrage de relevés, mais ne devrait pas être utilisé ailleurs"
992-#. module: account
993-#: view:account.subscription:0
994-msgid "Draft Subscription"
995-msgstr "Draft Subscription"
997 #. module: base
998 #: view:partner.wizard.ean.check:0
999 msgid "Correct EAN13"
1000@@ -38135,11 +38127,6 @@
1001 msgid "Reservation Destination"
1002 msgstr "Destination de la Réservation"
1004-#. module: account
1005-#: view:account.subscription:0
1006-msgid "Remove Lines"
1007-msgstr "Supprimer des lignes"
1009 #. module: base
1010 #: help:ir.cron,function:0
1011 msgid "Name of the method to be called on the object when this scheduler is executed."
1012@@ -38308,7 +38295,7 @@
1013 #: code:addons/account/wizard/
1014 #, python-format
1015 msgid "The Recurring Model %s must have at least two lines."
1016-msgstr "Le Modèle Récurrent %s doit au moins avoir deux lignes."
1017+msgstr "Le Modèle Périodique %s doit avoir au moins deux lignes."
1019 #. module: msf_doc_import
1020 #: code:addons/msf_doc_import/
1021@@ -38581,7 +38568,7 @@
1022 msgid "Is inactive for destination given in context"
1023 msgstr "Is inactive for destination given in context"
1025-#. modules: sales_followup, account, documents_done, consumption_calculation, sale, specific_rules, transport_mgmt, account_override, purchase_allocation_report, product_list, tender_flow, msf_doc_import, stock, product_attributes, purchase_override, purchase
1026+#. modules: sales_followup, account, documents_done, consumption_calculation, sale, specific_rules, transport_mgmt, account_override, purchase_allocation_report, product_list, tender_flow, msf_doc_import, stock, product_attributes, purchase_override, purchase, account_subscription
1027 #: field:account.move.line,date_created:0
1028 #: field:account.move.reconcile,create_date:0
1029 #:
1030@@ -38608,6 +38595,7 @@
1031 #: field:internal.request.import,in_creation_date:0
1032 #: field:purchase.order.line,create_date:0
1033 #: field:internal.request.import,in_creation_date:0
1034+#: field:account.model,create_date:0
1035 #, python-format
1036 msgid "Creation date"
1037 msgstr "Date de création"
1038@@ -39212,7 +39200,7 @@
1039 msgid "RfQs"
1040 msgstr "DdD"
1042-#. modules: account, sync_client, product_asset, base, msf_audittrail, board, object_query, msf_profile, msf_field_access_rights, msf_button_access_rights,msf_tools
1043+#. modules: account, sync_client, product_asset, base, msf_audittrail, board, object_query, msf_profile, msf_field_access_rights, msf_button_access_rights, msf_tools, account_subscription
1044 #: field:account.model.line,model_id:0
1045 #: view:account.subscription:0
1046 #: field:account.subscription,model_id:0
1047@@ -39241,6 +39229,7 @@
1048 #: field:automated.import.function,model_id:0
1049 #: field:sync.client.log_sale_purchase,model:0
1050 #: field:sync.client.log_sale_purchase,model_id:0
1051+#: view:account.model:0
1052 msgid "Model"
1053 msgstr "Modèle"
1055@@ -43211,6 +43200,7 @@
1056 #. modules: account, finance
1057 #: view:account.move:0
1058 #: view:cash.request:0
1059+#: view:account.model.line:0
1060 msgid "Total Debit"
1061 msgstr "Total Débit"
1063@@ -44394,8 +44384,8 @@
1065 #. module: account
1066 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:account.action_subscription_form
1067-msgid "A recurring entry is a miscellaneous entry that occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Define Recurring Entries, you can create such entries to automate the postings in the system."
1068-msgstr "Une écriture périodique est une écriture qui est configurée par le biais de la fonctionnalité Définir Ecritures Périodiques. Ceci vous permet d'enregistrer une écriture à partir d'une date spécifique. Cette écriture sera reproduite automatiquement dans votre comptabilité et à une fréquence définie. Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonctionnalité par exemple pour étaler la charge d'un loyer sur plusieurs mensualités. "
1069+msgid "A recurring entry is a miscellaneous entry that occurs on a recurrent basis from a specific date, i.e. corresponding to the signature of a contract or an agreement with a customer or a supplier. With Recurring Plan, you can create such entries to automate the postings in the system."
1070+msgstr "Une écriture périodique est une écriture qui est configurée par le biais de la fonctionnalité Plan d'Ecritures Périodiques. Ceci vous permet d'enregistrer une écriture à partir d'une date spécifique. Cette écriture sera reproduite automatiquement dans votre comptabilité et à une fréquence définie. Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonctionnalité par exemple pour étaler la charge d'un loyer sur plusieurs mensualités."
1072 #. modules: account, finance
1073 #:
1074@@ -50461,11 +50451,6 @@
1075 msgid "Logs Sequence"
1076 msgstr "Journaux de bord - Sequence"
1078-#. module: account
1079-#: view:account.subscription:0
1080-msgid "Running Subscription"
1081-msgstr "Running Subscription"
1083 #. modules: base, msf_currency_revaluation
1084 #: code:addons/msf_currency_revaluation/
1085 #: code:addons/base/res/
1086@@ -62609,8 +62594,8 @@
1087 #. module: account_subscription
1088 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_subscription.act_account_subscription_to_account_move_line_open
1089 #: view:account.move.line:0
1090-msgid "Recurring Entries To Validate"
1091-msgstr "Entrées récurrentes à valider"
1092+msgid "Recurring Entries To Post"
1093+msgstr "Lignes Périodiques à Poster"
1095 #. module: product
1096 #: view:product.product:0
1097@@ -62763,8 +62748,8 @@
1099 #. module: account
1100 #: view:account.subscription.generate:0
1101-msgid "Generate Entries before:"
1102-msgstr "Générer les Ecritures avant :"
1103+msgid "Generate Entries until:"
1104+msgstr "Générer les Ecritures jusqu'au :"
1106 #. modules: account, msf_instance
1107 #: field:account.invoice.refund,journal_id:0
1108@@ -65459,10 +65444,9 @@
1109 msgid "Supplier catalogue"
1110 msgstr "Catalogue du fournisseur"
1112-#. module: account_subscription
1113-#: code:addons/account_subscription/
1114-#: code:addons/account_subscription/
1115-#, python-format
1116+#. modules: account, account_subscription
1117+#: constraint:account.subscription:0
1118+#: constraint:account.subscription:0
1119 msgid "The value in the field \"Repeat\" must be greater than 0!"
1120 msgstr "La valeur dans le champ \"Périodicité\" doit être supérieure à 0 !"
1122@@ -66574,6 +66558,7 @@
1123 #. modules: account, finance
1124 #: view:account.move:0
1125 #: view:cash.request:0
1126+#: view:account.model.line:0
1127 msgid "Total Credit"
1128 msgstr "Total Crédit"
1130@@ -74124,14 +74109,8 @@
1131 #. module: account_period_closing_level
1132 #: code:addons/account_period_closing_level/
1133 #, python-format
1134-msgid "Recurring entries included in the Period \"%s\" or before haven't been created. Please create them before closing the period."
1135-msgstr "Des Ecritures périodiques incluses dans la Période \"%s\" ou avant n'ont pas été créées. Veuillez les créer avant de clôturer la période."
1137-#. module: account_period_closing_level
1138-#: code:addons/account_period_closing_level/
1139-#, python-format
1140-msgid "Subscription Lines included in the Period \"%s\" or before haven't been generated. Please generate them and create the related recurring entries before closing the period."
1141-msgstr "Des Lignes d'Abonnement incluses dans la Période \"%s\" ou avant n'ont pas été générées. Veuillez les générer et créer les écritures périodiques associées avant de clôturer la période."
1142+msgid "Recurring entries included in the Period \"%s\" or before haven't been created. Please generate them before closing the period."
1143+msgstr "Des Ecritures périodiques incluses dans la Période \"%s\" ou avant n'ont pas été créées. Veuillez les générer avant de clôturer la période."
1145 #. module: msf_field_access_rights
1146 #: view:msf_field_access_rights.field_access_rule:0
1147@@ -74940,9 +74919,11 @@
1148 msgstr "Line %s in your Excel file: %s: %s\n"
1149 ""
1151-#. module: account
1152+#. modules: account, account_subscription
1153 #: view:account.subscription:0
1154 #: selection:account.subscription,state:0
1155+#: selection:account.model,state:0
1156+#: view:account.model:0
1157 msgid "Running"
1158 msgstr "En cours"
1160@@ -76426,7 +76407,7 @@
1161 #. module: account
1162 #: help:account.subscription,period_nbr:0
1163 msgid "This field will determine how often entries will be generated: if the period type is 'month' and the repeat '2' then entries will be generated every 2 months"
1164-msgstr "This field will determine how often entries will be generated: if the period type is 'month' and the repeat '2' then entries will be generated every 2 months"
1165+msgstr "Ce champ déterminera la fréquence à laquelle les écritures seront générées : si le type de période est 'mois' et la périodicité est '2', alors les écritures seront générées tous les 2 mois."
1167 #. module: sync_client
1168 #: selection:sync.client.log_sale_purchase,action_type:0
1169@@ -81523,7 +81504,7 @@
1170 msgid "Confirm the selected invoices"
1171 msgstr "Confirmer les factures sélectionnées"
1173-#. modules: purchase, res_currency_tables,tender_flow, sync_client, account_mcdb, sales_followup, supplier_catalogue, sale, account, stock_forecast, export_import_lang, purchase_followup, msf_supply_doc_export, specific_rules, analytic_distribution, useability_dashboard_and_menu, procurement_request, out_step, consumption_calculation, stock_override, process, account_reconciliation, msf_instance, purchase_override, account_hq_entries, purchase_allocation_report, msf_tools, vertical_integration, msf_outgoing, register_accounting, documents_done, transport_mgmt, analytic, msf_audittrail, msf_doc_import, stock, msf_budget, msf_homere_interface, kit, hr, finance, financing_contract, update_client, account_override, base, return_claim, procurement, procurement_cycle
1174+#. modules: purchase, res_currency_tables,tender_flow, sync_client, account_mcdb, sales_followup, supplier_catalogue, sale, account, stock_forecast, export_import_lang, purchase_followup, msf_supply_doc_export, specific_rules, analytic_distribution, useability_dashboard_and_menu, procurement_request, out_step, consumption_calculation, stock_override, process, account_reconciliation, msf_instance, purchase_override, account_hq_entries, purchase_allocation_report, msf_tools, vertical_integration, msf_outgoing, register_accounting, documents_done, transport_mgmt, analytic, msf_audittrail, msf_doc_import, stock, msf_budget, msf_homere_interface, kit, hr, finance, financing_contract, update_client, account_override, base, return_claim, procurement, procurement_cycle, account_subscription
1175 #:
1176 #:,state:0
1177 #:,move_state:0
1178@@ -81735,6 +81716,7 @@
1179 #: field:account.invoice.import,state:0
1180 #: report:addons/procurement_cycle/report/product_stock_out.mako:436
1181 #: field:product.stock_out,state:0
1182+#: field:account.model,state:0
1183 #, python-format
1184 msgid "State"
1185 msgstr "Statut"
1186@@ -82770,10 +82752,9 @@
1187 msgid "Select a supplier"
1188 msgstr "Sélectionner un fournisseur"
1190-#. modules: delivery_mechanism, msf_budget, account, msf_outgoing, msf_homere_interface, sync_client, register_accounting, specific_rules, sale, sales_followup, base, stock, tender_flow, msf_tools, return_claim, msf_doc_import, analytic_distribution, finance, product
1191+#. modules: delivery_mechanism, msf_budget, account, msf_outgoing, msf_homere_interface, sync_client, register_accounting, specific_rules, sale, sales_followup, base, stock, tender_flow, msf_tools, return_claim, msf_doc_import, analytic_distribution, finance, product, account_subscription
1192 #:,state:0
1193 #: selection:account.journal.period,state:0
1194-#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
1195 #: selection:report.invoice.created,state:0
1196 #: view:account.commitment:0
1197 #: selection:account.commitment,state:0
1198@@ -82838,6 +82819,10 @@
1199 #: selection:wizard.import.product.line,state:0
1200 #: selection:product.mass.update,state:0
1201 #: selection:account.invoice.import,state:0
1202+#: view:account.subscription:0
1203+#: view:account.model:0
1204+#: selection:account.model,state:0
1205+#: selection:account.subscription,state:0
1206 #, python-format
1207 msgid "Done"
1208 msgstr "Terminé"
1209@@ -85076,7 +85061,7 @@
1210 #: code:addons/account_subscription/
1211 #, python-format
1212 msgid "Please define a valid analytic distribution for the recurring model '%s'!"
1213-msgstr "Please define a valid analytic distribution for the recurring model '%s'!"
1214+msgstr "Veuillez définir une distribution analytique valide pour le modèle périodique '%s' !"
1216 #. module: sale
1217 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:sale.action_sale_donation_stock_moves
1218@@ -85148,11 +85133,6 @@
1219 msgid "Qty Balance"
1220 msgstr "Bilan des Qtés"
1222-#. module: account
1223-#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form
1224-msgid "Recurring Lines"
1225-msgstr "Lignes périodiques"
1227 #. module: msf_doc_import
1228 #: code:addons/msf_doc_import/
1229 #, python-format
1230@@ -93378,7 +93358,7 @@
1231 msgid "Additional Information"
1232 msgstr "Information Complémentaire"
1234-#. modules: account, register_accounting, account_mcdb, msf_homere_interface, msf_audittrail, account_corrections
1235+#. modules: account, register_accounting, account_mcdb, msf_homere_interface, msf_audittrail, account_corrections, account_subscription
1236 #:
1237 #: report:addons/account_mcdb/report/combined_journals_report.mako:226
1238 #: field:hr.payroll.msf,partner_type:0
1239@@ -93396,6 +93376,7 @@
1240 #: selection:account.journal.column,field:0
1241 #:,partner_type2:0
1242 #: report:addons/register_accounting/report/fully_report_xls.mako:563
1243+#: view:account.move.line:0
1244 msgid "Third Parties"
1245 msgstr "Tiers"
1247@@ -94298,8 +94279,15 @@
1249 #. module: account
1250 #:,name:account.menu_action_subscription_form
1251-msgid "Define Recurring Entries"
1252-msgstr "Définir des Ecritures Périodiques"
1253+#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_subscription_form
1254+#: view:account.subscription:0
1255+msgid "Recurring Plan"
1256+msgstr "Plan d'Ecritures Périodiques"
1258+#. module: account_subscription
1259+#: field:account.model,recurring_plan_ids:0
1260+msgid "Recurring Plans"
1261+msgstr "Plans d'Ecritures Périodiques"
1263 #. module: msf_doc_import
1264 #: code:addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/
1265@@ -110353,6 +110341,68 @@
1266 msgid "IN-line %s Wrong BN/ED attributes"
1267 msgstr "Ligne du IN %s: Mauvais attributs NL/DE"
1269+#. module: account
1270+#: code:addons/account/
1271+#, python-format
1272+msgid "You cannot delete a Recurring Plan if Subscription lines have already been computed."
1273+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer un Plan d'Ecritures Périodiques si les lignes d'Abonnement ont déjà été calculées."
1275+#. module: account
1276+#: field:account.subscription,frozen_model:0
1277+msgid "Frozen model"
1278+msgstr "Modèle figé"
1280+#. module: account_subscription
1281+#: code:addons/account_subscription/
1282+#, python-format
1283+msgid "You cannot delete a model which is used in the following plan(s): %s"
1284+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer un modèle qui est utilisé dans le(s) plan(s) suivant(s) : %s"
1286+#. modules: account, account_subscription
1287+#: constraint:account.model:0
1288+#: constraint:account.model:0
1289+msgid "It is not possible to have several Recurring Models with the same name."
1290+msgstr "Il n'est pas possible d'avoir plusieurs Modèles périodiques portant le même nom."
1292+#. module: account_subscription
1293+#: code:addons/account_subscription/
1294+#, python-format
1295+msgid "It is not possible to have several Recurring Models with the same name: %s."
1296+msgstr "Il n'est pas possible d'avoir plusieurs Modèles périodiques portant le même nom : %s."
1298+#. modules: account, account_subscription
1299+#: constraint:account.subscription:0
1300+#: constraint:account.subscription:0
1301+msgid "It is not possible to have several Recurring Plans with the same name."
1302+msgstr "Il n'est pas possible d'avoir plusieurs Plans d'Ecritures Périodiques portant le même nom."
1304+#. module: account
1305+#: code:addons/account/
1306+#, python-format
1307+msgid "It is not possible to have several Recurring Plans with the same name: %s."
1308+msgstr "Il n'est pas possible d'avoir plusieurs Plans d'Ecritures Périodiques portant le même nom : %s."
1310+#. module: account_subscription
1311+#: field:account.model,is_balanced:0
1312+#: field:account.model.line,is_balanced:0
1313+msgid "Is balanced"
1314+msgstr "Est équilibré"
1316+#. module: account_subscription
1317+#: view:account.model:0
1318+msgid "Plan names"
1319+msgstr "Nom des plans"
1321+#. module: account_subscription
1322+#: view:account.model:0
1323+msgid "Plan status"
1324+msgstr "Statut des plans"
1326+#. module: account_subscription
1327+#: view:account.model:0
1328+msgid "Related plans"
1329+msgstr "Plans associés"
1331 #. module: product
1332 #: view:product.product:0
1333 msgid "Merge product"
1334@@ -110363,9 +110413,18 @@
1335 #, python-format
1336 msgid "is dispatched."
1337 msgstr "est expédié."
1338+<<<<<<< TREE
1340 #. module: sale
1341 #: code:addons/sale/
1342 #, python-format
1343 msgid "You can not validate a line of a Regular FO with an Inter-section Customer if it was not created by sync."
1344 msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas valider une ligne de CdT Normale qui a un Client Inter-section si elle n'a pas été créée par synchro."
1347+#. module: account
1348+#: code:addons/account/
1349+#, python-format
1350+msgid "You cannot duplicate a Recurring Plan with a Done model."
1351+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas dupliquer un Plan d'Ecritures Périodiques utilisant un modèle Terminé."
1352+>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
1354=== modified file 'bin/addons/msf_profile/'
1355--- bin/addons/msf_profile/ 2020-08-04 08:00:56 +0000
1356+++ bin/addons/msf_profile/ 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
1357@@ -53,6 +53,66 @@
1358 }
1360 # UF18.0
1361+ def us_5216_update_recurring_object_state(self, cr, uid, *a, **b):
1362+ """
1363+ Updates the state of the Recurring Plans and Recurring Models with the new rules set in US-5216.
1364+ """
1365+ if not self.pool.get('sync.server.update'):
1366+ rec_plan_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription')
1367+ rec_model_obj = self.pool.get('account.model')
1368+ # Recurring Plans
1369+ rec_plans = {
1370+ 'draft': [],
1371+ 'running': [],
1372+ 'done': [],
1373+ }
1374+ rec_plan_ids =, uid, [], order='NO_ORDER')
1375+ for rec_plan in rec_plan_obj.browse(cr, uid, rec_plan_ids, fields_to_fetch=['lines_id']):
1376+ if not rec_plan.lines_id:
1377+ rec_plans['draft'].append(
1378+ else:
1379+ running = False
1380+ for sub_line in rec_plan.lines_id:
1381+ if not sub_line.move_id or sub_line.move_id.state != 'posted':
1382+ running = True
1383+ break
1384+ if running:
1385+ rec_plans['running'].append(
1386+ else:
1387+ rec_plans['done'].append(
1388+ for plan_state in rec_plans:
1389+ if rec_plans[plan_state]:
1390+ update_rec_plans = """
1391+ UPDATE account_subscription
1392+ SET state = %s
1393+ WHERE id IN %s;
1394+ """
1395+ cr.execute(update_rec_plans, (plan_state, tuple(rec_plans[plan_state])))
1396+ # Recurring Models
1397+ rec_models = {
1398+ 'draft': [],
1399+ 'running': [],
1400+ 'done': [],
1401+ }
1402+ rec_model_ids =, uid, [], order='NO_ORDER')
1403+ for model_id in rec_model_ids:
1404+ if rec_plan_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('model_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'done')]):
1405+ state = 'done'
1406+ elif rec_plan_obj.search_exist(cr, uid, [('model_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'running')]):
1407+ state = 'running'
1408+ else:
1409+ state = 'draft'
1410+ rec_models[state].append(model_id)
1411+ for model_state in rec_models:
1412+ if rec_models[model_state]:
1413+ update_rec_models = """
1414+ UPDATE account_model
1415+ SET state = %s
1416+ WHERE id IN %s;
1417+ """
1418+ cr.execute(update_rec_models, (model_state, tuple(rec_models[model_state])))
1419+ return True
1421 def us_7412_set_fy_closure_settings(self, cr, uid, *a, **b):
1422 """
1423 Sets the Fiscal Year Closure options depending on the OC.
1425=== modified file 'bin/addons/msf_profile/usability.xml'
1426--- bin/addons/msf_profile/usability.xml 2012-11-06 14:18:56 +0000
1427+++ bin/addons/msf_profile/usability.xml 2020-08-07 12:54:52 +0000
1428@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
1429 <!-- reorder existing ones -->
1430 <menuitem id="account.menu_finance_periodical_processing" name="Periodical Processing" parent="account.menu_finance" sequence="7" />
1431 <menuitem id="account.menu_finance_charts" name="Charts" parent="account.menu_finance" sequence="8"/>
1432- <menuitem name="Define Recurring Entries" action="account.action_subscription_form" id="account.menu_action_subscription_form" sequence="2" parent="account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries"/>
1433+ <menuitem name="Recurring Plan" action="account.action_subscription_form" id="account.menu_action_subscription_form" sequence="2" parent="account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries"/>
1434 <menuitem id="account.menu_finance_entries" name="Journal Entries" parent="account.menu_finance" sequence="10" />
1435 <menuitem id="account.menu_action_model_form" action="account.action_model_form" sequence="1" parent="account.menu_finance_recurrent_entries" />
1436 <menuitem id="account.menu_finance_accounting" name="Financial Accounting" parent="account.menu_finance_configuration" sequence="1"/>


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