Merge ~juliank/grub/+git/ubuntu:boot-complete into ~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/+git/ubuntu:ubuntu

Proposed by Julian Andres Klode
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: ~juliank/grub/+git/ubuntu:boot-complete
Merge into: ~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/+git/ubuntu:ubuntu
Diff against target: 13 lines (+2/-1)
1 file modified
debian/grub-common.service (+2/-1)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Dimitri John Ledkov Approve
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2022-10-12.

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Revision history for this message
Dimitri John Ledkov (xnox) :
review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Dimitri John Ledkov (xnox) wrote :

I approved this, did it land?

Unmerged commits

f440bd4... by Julian Andres Klode

grub-common.service: Add After/

LP: #1992643

a093515... by Julian Andres Klode

Try to pick better locations for kernel and initrd

LP: #1989446

5e9731a... by Julian Andres Klode

releasing package grub2 version 2.06-2ubuntu12

1c0c8a3... by Julian Andres Klode

ubuntu-zfs-enhance-support.patch: Fix missing lines

The line count of the file was too short for unknown reasons,
fix this manually and then reimport and export the patch series
to clean up all the hunk locations.

LP: #1990143

2fa139e... by dann frazier

releasing package grub2 version 2.06-2ubuntu11

64478a9... by Julian Andres Klode

Cleanup patch series

d5f693b... by dann frazier

linuxefi: Invalidate i-cache before starting the kernel (LP: #1987924)

- d/p/linuxefi-Invalidate-i-cache-before-starting-the-kern.patch

Gbp-Dch: Full

196b45a... by Mauricio Faria de Oliveira

Fix for ZFS snapshots without etc directory

In the situation where ZFS snapshots do not contain a .../etc directory,
the generation of /b/g/grub.cfg silently fails, providing no "linux"
kernel lines in the /b/g/grub.cfg file.

This patch prevents this type of failure from occurring.

This issue is especially apparent on systems running in FIPS mode
with ZFS boot+root pools.


LP: #1965983
Thanks: Adam R Bell <email address hidden>

Signed-off-by: Mauricio Faria de Oliveira <email address hidden>

83bcaf1... by Heinrich Schuchardt

efi/peimage: fix typos in code comments

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <email address hidden>

47a3d1d... by Mauricio Faria de Oliveira

linux_xen: Properly handle multiple initrd files (LP: #1987567)

- d/p/linux_xen-Properly-load-multiple-initrd-files.patch
- d/p/linux_xen-Properly-order-multiple-initrd-files.patch

Gbp-Dch: Full

Preview Diff

[H/L] Next/Prev Comment, [J/K] Next/Prev File, [N/P] Next/Prev Hunk
1diff --git a/debian/grub-common.service b/debian/grub-common.service
2index fcf5474..cb5c086 100644
3--- a/debian/grub-common.service
4+++ b/debian/grub-common.service
5@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
6 [Unit]
7 Description=Record successful boot for GRUB
11 ConditionPathExists=/boot/grub/grub.cfg
13 [Service]


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