
Created by Jeff Stys and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~jstys-z/helioviewer.org/client5
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Jeff Stys

Recent revisions

898. By Jeff Stys

+ Enforce minimum page width.
+ Update version number string in HTML comment.

897. By Jeff Stys

+ Added .active:hover state for header action buttons.

896. By Jeff Stys

+ Earth Scale indicator is visible by default.
+ Earth Scale indicator properly respects UserSettings again.
+ Fixed a bug preventing Earth Scale indicator from rendering in Screenshots and Movies.

895. By Jeff Stys

+ User modification of #sdo-center-x, #sdo-center-y, #sdo-width, or #sdo-height values with #sdo-full-viewport selected now unselects #sdo-full-viewport and selects #sdo-select-area.
+ Fixed a bug preventing updates of external data source UI when user modifies the values of #vso-(start|end)-(date|time) or #sdo-(start|end)-(date|time).

894. By Jeff Stys

+ Added update of external data source accordions when datasources are changed via the popup menus in the image layer accordions.

893. By Jeff Stys

+ New "Full Viewport" and "Select Area" toggle buttons for specifying SDO cut-out region.
+ Refactoring/cleanup of all VSO/SDO external datasource integration code.
+ Finished adding support for all possible UI states.
+ Sped up loading of SDO thumbnail images. Now generated with optimal pixel dimensions.
+ Fixed event triggers for updating VSO/SDO accordions.
+ Visual improvements to VSO/SDO accordion user-interfaces, especially regarding state.

892. By Jeff Stys

+ Fixed a bug causing SDO image previews to break when _VSO_ accordion is hidden.

891. By Jeff Stys

+ #accordion-vso and #accordion-sdo now only update due to Viewport changes when they are visible.

890. By Jeff Stys

+ Fixed a bug causing a crash if #timeNowBtn is clicked while an image tile accordion widget is collapsed.

889. By Jeff Stys

+ Fix for occassionally invisible left drawer.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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