Should just be another round, I think. Ping me when you're online and we can chat. File state/action.go (right): state/action.go:23: Status ActionStatus Hmm, wondering now about the consequences on watches if we have the status direct in the action doc. Would it make sense to leave status out for now? The unit's going to be watching this collection, and doesn't need to respond to status changes; but the client will be watching the *results* collection, and might well want to respond to changes there. Sane? state/action.go:34: action := &Action{ return &Action{ ? state/action.go:70: err := we should handle txn.ErrAborted and give a real error back -- in this case it indicates (I think) that the action has already completed. Right? File state/action_test.go (right): state/action_test.go:27: } FWIW we usually leave these out, but I think the explicitness of this approach may actually be better. Don't feel obliged to include them if you don't think it's necessary. state/action_test.go:30: action, err := s.SettingsSuite.state.AddAction("fakeunit/0", "fakeaction", nil) Hmm, I think we *should* make sure that the unit exists and isn't Dead. (I've been thinking, and have tentatively concluded that actions on dying units are fine, they just might not run in time; but actions on dead units are definitely insane.) File state/state.go (right): state/state.go:320: for k := range oldConfig.AllAttrs() { thanks for this cleanup btw state/state.go:1379: func (st *State) AddAction(unit string, name string, payload interface{}) (*Action, error) { Thinking about this: I think it should be (u *Unit) AddAction(name string, payload interface{}) (...). Should be a simple move (and also make it easier to assert that the unit isn't dead). state/state.go:1395: return nil, onAbort(err, errDead) I don't think errDead is a sensible error message for "doc already exists". state/state.go:1396: } Given that we'll want two asserts here, we'll have two possible failure modes (even if the one you're currently handling should be a cant-happen one). Let's talk today about how to write the code in (what I think is) the cleanest way, because it's not actually very obvious, I'm afraid. Yeah, this is another thing I should be documenting. File state/state_test.go (right): state/state_test.go:182: answerAction, err := s.State.Action(testAction.Id()) It might be nice to have some sort of check on the form of the Id.