Jonas, thanks for reviewing. First, 4.-6. To which diff/file do your line numbers refer to. I don't get them aligned with my r1401 into r1435. 1. You are right. Also, if a cert is added, the added cert item should be selected after closing the dialog. I will keep on working on that. 2. To fully test this, ideally, proper networks have to be available to connect to. As they are not easy to set up or even seem to be hardware dependent, one may think about if its possible to emulate the networks. What I could test so far, besides the typical WPA and WEP, was a TTLS/MSCHAP2 network. The TTLS is typically used for "eduroam", available at most universities all over europe. They might differ in the phase-2-authentication (inner authentication) type from university to university. If you just want to test the creation of the right configuration it should be sufficient to check the configuration file for the network in /userdata/system-data/etc/NetworkManager/system-connection/ and compare them to example files. These files are created even if no network is available. There was already an error handling integrated that prints wpa_supplicant errors in the feedback dialog. So e.g. if your cert file does not contain the content it should, it will be wpa_supplicant that reports this. I don't know what wifi infrastructures you have around, but I believe it is hard to get everyone. I've heard of wpa_supplicant being able to emulate different WPA networks, but I had not have the time to look into that. My connection test on a TTLS/MSCHAPv2 eduroam was established successfully. Maybe it would be best to let people test it with there networks. Hence, for testing and maybe autopilot testing for an example connection - lets take the TTLS/MSCHAPv2 - one has to go through the following steps: 1. type in network name (SSID) 2. select WPA Enterprise 3. select auth TTLS 4. select inner auth MSCHAPv2 5. CA certificate ( lets state that no one is installed) -> select choose... 6. use content hub to import a cert file (.pem supported at the moment) 7. content hub will import it to the Documents folder of ubuntu-system-settings. 8. the file will be shown on the CertDialog and the user can decide to save the file. 9. If that file is not empty, it will be moved to the wifi/ssl/certs/ folder. The data model will use the files in that folder to build the itemselector. 10. Choose the right ca cert. 11. type in anonym identity, identity and Password. 12. then connect. If the network will not be found, an error message will be thrown. I do not know anything about autopilot testing so far. If you believe we can get this running, I just could support you. Thanks, Joerg Am 2015-06-05 um 14:11 schrieb Jonas G. Drange: > Review: Needs Fixing > > Thanks, Joerg. It builds and it looks good! I have a couple of questions and comments: > > 1. If file picker fails, I prefer that it was reverted to "None". What do you think? > 2. Could you add some instructions on how to test this? > 3. I don't quite understand the diff L98-200, why is the indentation changed? > 4. L425, L465, L506, L559: Please use visible: showAllUI for things not yet implemented. > 5. L431, L440, L482, L673, L675, L678, L869, L877, L885, L893, L901, L909: Extra space > 6. L759: If it's not needed, please just remove it. If it's something we might have to do, maybe make it a TODO? > > This would be difficult to test using autopilot, but we should try. I can help you, if you can inform me on what the most common WPA2 Enterprise network looks like, and what the user needs to do, using your UI, to connect to it. > > Thanks again. >