
Created by Jonathan Cave and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~jocave/snapcraft/plainbox-provider-plugin
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Branch information

Jonathan Cave

Recent revisions

136. By Jonathan Cave

Make the python3 depends a build dependency and add plainbox.
Add an example of the plainbox provider plugin usage.

135. By Jonathan Cave

Adding requires: on python3 to yaml

134. By Jonathan Cave

Creating a plainbox-provider plugin

133. By Sergio Schvezov

go as build-deps instead of plugged by sergiusens approved by chipaca

132. By Michael Terry

Support the Go compiler on all arches, not just amd64.

This switches from using Google's pre-built binaries to using our archive builds of Google's compiler, thus giving us all platforms we support. And matching what we do for Python and Java.

Since this means we use whichever version of Go the host platform has, I've dropped the "1.4" from the plugin names.

I've tested this on wily and trusty. by mterry approved by sergiusens

131. By Simon Eisenmann

Fix symlinks for directories as well. by longsleep approved by elopio,mterry

130. By Sergio Schvezov

debian/control: adding devscripts as a dep as dget is needed by the ubuntu plugin by sergiusens approved by ogra

129. By Sergio Schvezov

Recommends defaulting to None when not part of options by sergiusens approved by elopio

128. By Sergio Schvezov

Adding support for mercurial sources (includes debian/control dependency change). by sergiusens approved by elopio

127. By Michael Terry

Tiny packaging fixes

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