I added other tests that exercise the interfaces between the methods; the tests that actually try to use openssl go beyond them. I'll disable these tests for now and, in a future merge, move them into cloud_test where they can do their thing. I have an objective for the first half of 2019 to improve the cloud-meets-distro testing of cloud-init, so it'll be easy to get the time I need to do it right. Thanks for all the explanation. I don't suppose there's a doc anyplace that I was supposed to read that explained this stuff; although I'd be embarrassed at jumping in without doing the reading, I'd certainly go back and read it now. On a related thought: would it be acceptable to pivot to using pyOpenSSL or even pyca/cryptography as a replacement for subp() invocation of command line tools? Not in this merge, but some time in the next few months? Jason -----Original Message----- From: