
Last commit made on 2021-02-14
Get this branch:
git clone -b staging-remove-spaces https://git.launchpad.net/~i30817/dosbox/+git/dosbox-shaders

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Recent commits

5d81ff3... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Removed spaces from #pragma definitions

e8973b1... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

added lottes-fast CRT tuned for subtlety + added luminance gain

7b0609b... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Added pixel perfect shader with scanlines

This shader is a simple combination of the pixel perfect shader
and the scanline shader.

5c201b2... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

updated README references from pp to pixel_perfect

06c7aa5... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

renamed pixel perfect shader

a6af4f8... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Added recommendations to README

baf9cd3... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Updated README

85fa4e0... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Changing file permissions to remove execute bit

dc9a4b4... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Added additional CRT shaders

The additional shaders ported/tweaked by Delfino Furioso have been added
to the repo. I edited most of these new shaders to remove unnecessary
uniforms / variables. I also added some additional code to ensure the
correct filtering method is used, where the shader does not take this
into account automatically.

The original shader sources can be found here:

071c7b6... by Tyrell Sassen <email address hidden>

Fixed indentation of shaders to use tabs instead of spaces