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hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

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49. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 6 - Define a Dashboard
Define a dashboard containing the graph view you created, the sessions calendar
view and a list view of the courses (switchable to a form view). This dashboard
should be available through a menuitem in the menu, and automatically displayed
in the web client when the OpenAcademy main menu is selected.

The available styles are “1”, “1-1”, “2-1”, “1-2”, “1-1-1”. The numbers
represent the colspan of each column.

48. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 5 - Create a WebKit report
Create a report for the Session object, displaying for each session its name,
date, duration, percentage of completion, responsible name and list of

47. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 4 - RML
Improve your report. Prevent the “start date” line from appearing in the report
if no value is associated to it, and display the percentage of taken seats in
red if it is lower than 10.

THIS EXERCISE NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED, all the intended features were not

46. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 3 - RML
Export the OpenOffice report to a RML file, add it to your module and add an
action to the session object for printing the report.

45. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 2 - Create a new report
Create a report for the Session object, displaying for each session its name,
date, duration, percentage of completion, responsible name and list of

44. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 1 - Translate a module
Choose a second language for your OpenERP installation. Translate your module
using the facilities provided by OpenERP.

The GNU gettext format (Portable Object) used by OpenERP is integrated into
LaunchPad, making it an online collaborative translation platform.

By default OpenERP’s POT export only extracts labels inside XML files or inside
field definitions in Python code, but any Python string can be translated this
way by surrounding it with the tools.translate._ method (e.g. _(‘Label’) )

43. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Extra Exercise - Wizard on multiple records
Make the wizard able to add attendees to several sessions at once.

42. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 5 - Bind the wizard to the context bar
Bind the wizard to the context bar of the session model. Hint: use the
argument “context” to define the current session as default value for the field
“session_id” in the wizard.

The field “key2” defines a kind of action category. Its possible values are:
“client_action_multi” (typically for wizards), “client_print_multi” (typically
for reports), and “client_action_relate” (typically for related views).

41. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 4 - Create methods
Create the method action_add_attendee in your class CreateAttendeeWizard,
implement it, and add a button in the form view to call it. Add also a button
“Cancel” that closes the wizard window.

Creating attendees this way does not trigger the workflow of sessions. This is
because the session record is not explicitly “touched”. You should either “wake
up” the session record explicitly, or write on the session record.

40. By hbto [Vauxoo] http://www.vauxoo.com

Exercise 4 - Create methods
Create the method action_add_attendee in your class CreateAttendeeWizard,
implement it, and add a button in the form view to call it. Add also a button
“Cancel” that closes the wizard window.

In order to close the window at the end of the method, you can either return
the empty dictionary {}, or explicitly return a client action to close the
window {‘type’: ‘ir.actions.act_window.close’}.

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