Merge lp:~hrvojem/percona-xtrabackup/bug1100008-2.0 into lp:percona-xtrabackup/2.0

Proposed by Hrvoje Matijakovic
Status: Merged
Approved by: Stewart Smith
Approved revision: no longer in the source branch.
Merged at revision: 500
Proposed branch: lp:~hrvojem/percona-xtrabackup/bug1100008-2.0
Merge into: lp:percona-xtrabackup/2.0
Diff against target: 293 lines (+54/-37)
9 files modified
doc/source/innobackupex/incremental_backups_innobackupex.rst (+9/-5)
doc/source/innobackupex/innobackupex_option_reference.rst (+3/-3)
doc/source/innobackupex/privileges.rst (+4/-1)
doc/source/installation/compiling_xtrabackup.rst (+5/-5)
doc/source/percona-theme/layout.html (+13/-15)
doc/source/percona-theme/static/ (+3/-3)
doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/choosing_binary.rst (+7/-1)
doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups.rst (+5/-1)
innobackupex (+5/-3)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~hrvojem/percona-xtrabackup/bug1100008-2.0
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Stewart Smith (community) Approve
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Stewart Smith (stewart) :
review: Approve
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Alexey Kopytov (akopytov) wrote :

Was changing "Percona Ireland Ltd" back to "Percona Inc." intentional?

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1=== modified file 'doc/source/innobackupex/incremental_backups_innobackupex.rst'
2--- doc/source/innobackupex/incremental_backups_innobackupex.rst 2012-06-04 10:29:26 +0000
3+++ doc/source/innobackupex/incremental_backups_innobackupex.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
4@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
6 * Then, the uncommitted transaction must be rolled back in order to have a ready-to-use backup.
8-If you replay the commit ed transactions **and** rollback the uncommitted ones on the base backup, you will not be able to add the incremental ones. If you do this on an incremental one, you won't be able to add data from that moment and the remaining increments.
9+If you replay the commited transactions **and** rollback the uncommitted ones on the base backup, you will not be able to add the incremental ones. If you do this on an incremental one, you won't be able to add data from that moment and the remaining increments.
11 Having this in mind, the procedure is very straight-forward using the :option:`--redo-only` option, starting with the base backup: ::
13@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@
15 If the "completed OK!" message was shown, the final data will be in the base backup directory, ``BASE-DIR``.
17+.. note::
19+ :option:`--redo-only` should be used when merging all incrementals except the last one. That's why the previous line doesn't contain the :option:`--redo-only` option. Even if the :option:`--redo-only` was used on the last step, backup would still be consistent but in that case server would perform the rollback phase.
21 You can use this procedure to add more increments to the base, as long as you do it in the chronological order that the backups were done. If you omit this order, the backup will be useless. If you have doubts about the order that they must be applied, you can check the file :file:`xtrabackup_checkpoints` at the directory of each one, as shown in the beginning of this section.
23 Once you put all the parts together, you can prepare again the full backup (base + incrementals) once again to rollback the uncommitted transactions: ::
24@@ -123,19 +127,19 @@
26 Incremental streaming backups can be performed with the |xbstream| streaming option. Currently backups are packed in custom **xbstream** format. With this feature taking a BASE backup is needed as well.
28- Taking a base backup: ::
29+Taking a base backup: ::
31 innobackupex /data/backups
33- Taking a local backup: ::
34+Taking a local backup: ::
36 innobackupex --incremental --incremental-lsn=LSN-number --stream=xbstream ./ > incremental.xbstream
38- Unpacking the backup: ::
39+Unpacking the backup: ::
41 xbstream -x < incremental.xbstream
43- Taking a local backup and streaming it to the remote server and unpacking it: ::
44+Taking a local backup and streaming it to the remote server and unpacking it: ::
46 innobackupex --incremental --incremental-lsn=LSN-number --stream=xbstream ./ | /
47 ssh user@hostname " cat - | xbstream -x -C > /backup-dir/"
49=== modified file 'doc/source/innobackupex/innobackupex_option_reference.rst'
50--- doc/source/innobackupex/innobackupex_option_reference.rst 2013-01-15 11:54:46 +0000
51+++ doc/source/innobackupex/innobackupex_option_reference.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
52@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
54 .. option:: --no-lock
56- Use this option to disable table lock with ``FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK``. Use it only if ALL your tables are InnoDB and you **DO NOT CARE** about the binary log position of the backup.
57- If you are considering to use :option:`--no-lock` because your backups are failing to acquire the lock, this could be because of incoming replication events preventing the lock from succeeding. Please try using :option:`--safe-slave-backup` to momentarily stop the replication slave thread, this may help the backup to succeed and you then don't need to resort to using :option:`--no-lock`
58+ Use this option to disable table lock with ``FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK``. Use this option to disable table lock with ``FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK``. Use it only if ALL your tables are InnoDB and you **DO NOT CARE** about the binary log position of the backup. This option shouldn't be used if there are any ``DDL`` statements being executed or if any updates are happening on non-InnoDB tables (this includes the system MyISAM tables in the *mysql* database), otherwise it could lead to an inconsistent backup.
59+ If you are considering to use :option:`--no-lock` because your backups are failing to acquire the lock, this could be because of incoming replication events preventing the lock from succeeding. Please try using :option:`--safe-slave-backup` to momentarily stop the replication slave thread, this may help the backup to succeed and you then don't need to resort to using this option.
61 .. option:: --no-timestamp
63@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
65 .. option:: --redo-only
67- This option is passed directly to xtrabackup's :option:`xtrabackup --apply-log-only` option. This forces :program:`xtrabackup` to skip the "rollback" phase and do a "redo" only. This is necessary if the backup will have incremental changes applied to it later. See the |xtrabackup| :doc:`documentation <../xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups>` for details.
68+ This option should be used when preparing the base full backup and when merging all incrementals except the last one. It is passed directly to xtrabackup's :option:`xtrabackup --apply-log-only` option. This forces :program:`xtrabackup` to skip the "rollback" phase and do a "redo" only. This is necessary if the backup will have incremental changes applied to it later. See the |xtrabackup| :doc:`documentation <../xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups>` for details.
70 .. option:: --remote-host=HOSTNAME
73=== modified file 'doc/source/innobackupex/privileges.rst'
74--- doc/source/innobackupex/privileges.rst 2012-07-31 04:46:23 +0000
75+++ doc/source/innobackupex/privileges.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
76@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
77 .. code-block:: sql
79 mysql> CREATE USER 'bkpuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 's3cret';
81 mysql> GRANT RELOAD, LOCK TABLES, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'bkpuser'@'localhost';
84+.. note::
86+ Connection-related parameters are only recognized in the [client] and [mysql] groups in configuration files. Adding custom groups like [xtrabackup] will work only if XtraBackup binary is used, it will not work with the innobackupex.
88=== modified file 'doc/source/installation/compiling_xtrabackup.rst'
89--- doc/source/installation/compiling_xtrabackup.rst 2012-11-20 16:32:59 +0000
90+++ doc/source/installation/compiling_xtrabackup.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
91@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
92 In ``RPM``-based distributions, you need to: ::
94 $ yum install cmake gcc gcc-c++ libaio libaio-devel automake autoconf bzr \
95- bison libtool ncurses5-devel
96+ bison libtool ncurses-devel zlib-devel
98 Compiling with :command:``
99 ----------------------------------
100@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
101 ================== ========= ============================================
102 Value Alias Server
103 ================== ========= ============================================
104- innodb51_builtin 5.1 build against built-in InnoDB in MySQL 5.1
105- innodb51 plugin build against InnoDB plugin in MySQL 5.1
106- innodb55 5.5 build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.5
107+ innodb51_builtin 5.1 build against built-in InnoDB in MySQL 5.1
108+ innodb51 plugin build against InnoDB plugin in MySQL 5.1
109+ innodb55 5.5 build against InnoDB in MySQL 5.5
110 xtradb51 xtradb build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.1
111 xtradb55 xtradb55 build against Percona Server with XtraDB 5.5
112 ================== ========= ============================================
113@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@
115 and you go for a coffee, at your return |XtraBackup| will be ready to be used. The |xtrabackup| binary will be located in the ``percona-xtrabackup/src`` subdirectory.
117-After this you'll need to copy innobackupex and the corresponding xtrabackup binary to some directory listed in the PATH environment variable, e.g. /usr/bin.
118+After this you'll need to copy |innobackupex| (in the root folder used to retrieve |XtraBackup|) and the corresponding xtrabackup binary (in the src folder) to some directory listed in the PATH environment variable, e.g. ``/usr/bin``.
120=== modified file 'doc/source/percona-theme/layout.html'
121--- doc/source/percona-theme/layout.html 2013-01-11 12:56:00 +0000
122+++ doc/source/percona-theme/layout.html 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
123@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
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197=== modified file 'doc/source/percona-theme/static/'
198--- doc/source/percona-theme/static/ 2012-07-13 10:36:41 +0000
199+++ doc/source/percona-theme/static/ 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
200@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
201 float:left;
202 overflow:hidden;
203 padding:20px 0;
204- width:240px;
205+ width:220px;
206 zoom:1
207 }
209@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
210 overflow: hidden;
211 zoom: 1;
212 float: left;
213- width: 240px;
214+ width: 220px;
215 padding: 20px 0px;
216 }
218@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
219 overflow: hidden;
220 zoom: 1;
221 float: left;
222- width: 720px;
223+ width: 740px;
224 height: 35px;
225 padding: 30px 0px;
226 }
228=== modified file 'doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/choosing_binary.rst'
229--- doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/choosing_binary.rst 2011-07-07 05:32:50 +0000
230+++ doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/choosing_binary.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
231@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
232 MySQL 5.0.* ``xtrabackup_51``
233 MySQL 5.1.* ``xtrabackup_51``
234 MySQL 5.1.* with InnoDB plugin ``xtrabackup``
235-Percona Server 5.1 and 5.5 ``xtrabackup``
236 MySQL 5.5.* ``xtrabackup_55``
237+MariaDB 5.1.* ``xtrabackup``
238+MariaDB 5.2.* ``xtrabackup``
239+MariaDB 5.3.* ``xtrabackup``
240+MariaDB 5.5.* ``xtrabackup_55``
241+Percona Server 5.0 ``xtrabackup_51``
242+Percona Server 5.1 ``xtrabackup``
243+Percona Server 5.5 ``xtrabackup_55``
244 ============================== ===================
246=== modified file 'doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups.rst'
247--- doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups.rst 2011-07-07 05:32:50 +0000
248+++ doc/source/xtrabackup_bin/incremental_backups.rst 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
249@@ -84,7 +84,11 @@
251 Preparing the second incremental backup is a similar process: apply the deltas to the (modified) base backup, and you will roll its data forward in time to the point of the second incremental backup: ::
253- xtrabackup --prepare --apply-log-only --target-dir=/data/backups/base \
254+ xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir=/data/backups/base \
255 --incremental-dir=/data/backups/inc2
257+.. note::
259+ :option:`--apply-log-only` should be used when merging all incrementals except the last one. That's why the previous line doesn't contain the :option:`--apply-log-only` option. Even if the :option:`--apply-log-only` was used on the last step, backup would still be consistent but in that case server would perform the rollback phase.
261 If you wish to avoid the notice that |InnoDB| was not shut down normally, when you have applied the desired deltas to the base backup, you can run :option:`--prepare` again without disabling the rollback phase.
263=== modified file 'innobackupex'
264--- innobackupex 2013-01-15 01:39:48 +0000
265+++ innobackupex 2013-01-17 15:19:29 +0000
266@@ -2695,7 +2695,9 @@
267 # MariaDB 5.1.* - xtrabackup
268 # MariaDB 5.2.* - xtrabackup
269 # MariaDB 5.3.* - xtrabackup
270-# Percona Server >= 11.0 - xtrabackup
271+# Percona Server 5.0 - xtrabackup_51
272+# Percona Server 5.1 - xtrabackup
273+# Percona Server 5.5 - xtrabackup_55
274 # MySQL 5.5.* - xtrabackup_55
275 # MariaDB 5.5.* - xtrabackup_55
277@@ -2971,7 +2973,7 @@
279 =item --no-lock
281-Use this option to disable table lock with "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK". Use it only if ALL your tables are InnoDB and you DO NOT CARE about the binary log position of the backup.
282+Use this option to disable table lock with "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK". Use it only if ALL your tables are InnoDB and you DO NOT CARE about the binary log position of the backup. This option shouldn't be used if there are any DDL statements being executed or if any updates are happening on non-InnoDB tables (this includes the system MyISAM tables in the mysql database), otherwise it could lead to an inconsistent backup. If you are considering to use --no-lock because your backups are failing to acquire the lock, this could be because of incoming replication events preventing the lock from succeeding. Please try using --safe-slave-backup to momentarily stop the replication slave thread, this may help the backup to succeed and you then don't need to resort to using this option.
284 =item --no-timestamp
286@@ -2992,7 +2994,7 @@
288 =item --redo-only
290-This option is passed directly to xtrabackup's --apply-log-only option. This forces xtrabackup to skip the "rollback" phase and do a "redo" only. This is necessary if the backup will have incremental changes applied to it later. See the xtrabackup documentation for details.
291+This option should be used when preparing the base full backup and when merging all incrementals except the last one. This option is passed directly to xtrabackup's --apply-log-only option. This forces xtrabackup to skip the "rollback" phase and do a "redo" only. This is necessary if the backup will have incremental changes applied to it later. See the xtrabackup documentation for details.
293 =item --remote-host=HOSTNAME


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