
Created by Hikari Knight on 2013-01-11 and last modified on 2013-03-12


A build recipe for the rsu-launcher package for precise and newer.
This will provide a central launcher for the RSU-Client and therefore make the client provide only 1 Menu entry instead of 3.
This package will become a dependency of the unix-runescape-client package for precise and later once rsu-client version 3.9.7 is released as stable.

Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built on request
Hikari Knight
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
RuneScape Unix Game Client
Distribution series:

Recipe contents

# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {time}~git-master
nest-part packaging lp:rsu-client/rsu-packaging-stable debian-rsu-launcher debian