
Created by RedBrain and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~herron-philip/silix/onak-dev
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Branch information

silix - Silly Unix

Recent revisions

291. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

 Adding more configure macros for the backend type and rewriting the config parser to use LEX and YACC

290. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

upgrading the branch

289. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

Need a little define in config.h for which backend were using and a better switch for it there too

288. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

some fixes to plugin backend

287. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

Testing now...

286. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

Nearly working

285. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

more moving around and m4 cleaning

284. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

More configure.ac fixing

283. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

Some testing now

282. By Philip Herron <email address hidden>

Restructuring of it using automake and some code cleanups

Branch metadata

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Branch format 5
Repository format:
Bazaar-NG Knit Repository Format 1
This branch contains Public information 
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