
Created by Joshua Harlow and last modified
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Joshua Harlow

Recent revisions

733. By Joshua Harlow

Create a utility testcase class that fixes some of the 2.6 missing pieces

- Add a helper testcase class that can add additional features into the
  unit test class as we need for features that are useful to have which
  starts with features that are missing including assertIn and assertNotIn

732. By Scott Moser

check for a marker file by the normal name also

This check is a waste of a stat any time after the migrator module
had run. As it would take care of moving markers.

However, if the user runs:
 sudo cloud-init modules --mode final

after an upgrade, they'd otherwise run any module that had a '-' in its
name again. To avoid that, we just return true in that case, and
inform the user how to run the migrator themselves.

731. By Scott Moser

make migrator walk the "cloud" path also

the migrator was not renaming items in the "cloud" semaphore path.
Those were items that would run once only.

Now we just check both ipath('sem') and cpath('sem')

730. By Scott Moser

support 'power_state' cloud-config for specifying shutdown

this adds 'power-state-change' config module that allows the user to
specify in cloud-config syntax that a system reboot or shutdown should occur
after cloud-init is done.

729. By Scott Moser

Even when using boto < 2.6 force the unlazying to occur

It seems like its possible that boto 2.5.2 and below have the lazy loading
metadata dictionary so as a precaution we will always take the hit of
unlazying the metadata dictionary by traversing it which in the non-lazy
dictionary case has no effect (its marginal). This also removes the need
to check the boto version and the dependency on setup tools just for this

728. By Scott Moser

'name' for default user must be all lower case.

if 'name' for the user had something other than all lower case, then
pwd.getpwname would fail.

727. By Scott Moser

fix bad dependency added during the boto fix

726. By Joshua Harlow

Use a set of helper/parsing classes to perform system configuration

Previously file modification of system configuration was done
in a functional and hard to test manner. Now instead this patch
allows for a manner that provides a nice object oriented
interface to those objects as well as makes it possible to test
those parsing entities without having to invoke distro class code.
   - Created parsers for:
    - /etc/sysconfig
    - /etc/hostname
    - resolv.conf
    - /etc/hosts

Moved duplicated functionality into the root level distro class including:
 - apply_hostname
 - set_hostname
 - *various shared configuration file names/paths*

725. By Joshua Harlow

Remove dup and un-needed entries.

724. By Scott Moser

pylint and pep8 fixes

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