
Created by Bartek Jasicki and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:grubng/clients-python
Members of grubng-dev can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Recent revisions

6. By gh0st <gh0st@vortex>

* Added redirect checks

5. By gh0st <gh0st@vortex>

* Added leftover .ARCs scanning & compressing
* Added compressed .ARCs uploading procedure

4. By gh0st <gh0st@vortex>

* Changed dispatch server
* Added invalid .ARCs removal
* Added SHOWURL option

3. By Giorgos Logiotatidis

Logging functionality using python.logging
Added DATAPRFX option to store arc files

2. By Giorgos Logiotatidis

+Changelog 0.4.3
+* Added variable to control the number of uploader threads
+* Changed verbose mode to default. Use -q flag to disable it
+* Added debug flag to save workunits and arc files on errors
+* Reupload the arc file in case of a network error (10 times)
+* File close() on everything to prevent 'Too many open files errors'
+* Changed to new grub.org dispatcher address
+* Fixed compressed responce data bug
+* Fixed bug with custom headers
+* Fixed bug with incomplete arc files treated as complete

1. By Bartek Jasicki

Initial import

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.