This branch fixes bug 487015 by adding methods to IBug that allow us to check what kind of subscription (if any) a Person has to a bug using DB queries rather than getting the list of subscribers and iterating over it. I've added three methods: - personIsDirectSubscriber(): returns True only if the Person has an explicit BugSubscription for the current bug. - personIsSubscribedToDuplicate(): returns True only if the Person has a BugSubscription to one of a bug's duplicates. - personIsAlsoNotifiedSubscriber(): returns True if the Person doesn't have a BugSubscription for a bug but will receive bugmail anyway (assignees, contacts and structural subscribers fall into this category). Note that personIsAlsoNotifiedSubscriber() and personIsDirectSubscriber() are mutually exclusive but personIsDirectSubscriber() and personIsSubscribedToDuplicate() are not. For personIsDirectSubscriber() and personIsSubscribedToDuplicate() I've used Storm to create the necessary DB queries. However, I couldn't do this for personIsAlsoNotifiedSubscriber() because "also notified subscribers" come from a mish-mash of sources. I don't think this is a problem (at least not right now) because there are usually less "also notified" subscribers than there are subscribers from duplicates, and the timeouts that raised this bug in the first place are due to the number of duplicate subscribers and the amount of iteration we do over that set. I've updated BugViewMixin.subscription_class, which was where the timeout problem identified in bug 487015 originated, to use the new methods when determining what CSS class to return for a subscription. Hopefully this will speed matters up somewhat. I've also done a drive-by conversion of bug.txt to ReST. NOTE: `make lint` shows a lot of "Operator is not preceded by a space" errors, which look like crack to me and I'm not sure what to do about them. Any ideas? = Launchpad lint = Checking for conflicts. and issues in doctests and templates. Running jslint, xmllint, pyflakes, and pylint. Using normal rules. Linting changed files: lib/lp/bugs/configure.zcml lib/lp/bugs/browser/ lib/lp/bugs/doc/bug.txt lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/ lib/lp/bugs/model/ == Pylint notices == lib/lp/bugs/browser/ 28: [F0401] Unable to import 'email.MIMEMultipart' (No module named MIMEMultipart) 29: [F0401] Unable to import 'email.MIMEText' (No module named MIMEText) 43: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.enum' (No module named enum) 44: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.lifecycle.event' (No module named lifecycle) 45: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.lifecycle.snapshot' (No module named lifecycle) 46: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.restful.interfaces' (No module named restful) lib/lp/bugs/interfaces/ 49: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.restful.declarations' (No module named restful) 55: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.restful.fields' (No module named restful) 56: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.restful.interface' (No module named restful) 466: [C0322, IBug.addAttachment] Operator not preceded by a space comment=Text(), filename=TextLine(), is_patch=Bool(), ^ content_type=TextLine(), description=Text()) @export_factory_operation(IBugAttachment, []) def addAttachment(owner, data, comment, filename, is_patch=False, content_type=None, description=None): 601: [C0322, IBug.getNominations] Operator not preceded by a space nominations=List( ^ title=_("Nominations to search through."), value_type=Reference(schema=Interface), # IBugNomination required=False)) @operation_returns_collection_of(Interface) # IBugNomination @export_read_operation() def getNominations(target=None, nominations=None): 681: [C0322, IBug.markUserAffected] Operator not preceded by a space required=False, default=True)) ^ @call_with(user=REQUEST_USER) @export_write_operation() def markUserAffected(user, affected=True): 696: [C0322, IBug.setCommentVisibility] Operator not preceded by a space required=True), ^ visible=Bool(title=_('Show this comment?'), required=True)) @call_with(user=REQUEST_USER) @export_write_operation() def setCommentVisibility(user, comment_number, visible): 708: [C0322, IBug.linkHWSubmission] Operator not preceded by a space Interface, title=_('A HWDB submission'), required=True)) ^ @export_write_operation() def linkHWSubmission(submission): 715: [C0322, IBug.unlinkHWSubmission] Operator not preceded by a space Interface, title=_('A HWDB submission'), required=True)) ^ @export_write_operation() def unlinkHWSubmission(submission): lib/lp/bugs/model/ 25: [F0401] Unable to import 'email.Utils' (No module named Utils) 38: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.lifecycle.event' (No module named lifecycle) 40: [F0401] Unable to import 'lazr.lifecycle.snapshot' (No module named lifecycle)