
Last commit made on 2013-02-26
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git clone -b applied/ubuntu/precise-devel https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy
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Recent commits

42b3cdb... by dobey

1.10.1-0ubuntu2 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

a64da04... by dobey

Use gmime 2.6 instead of 2.4

Gbp-Pq: 40_use_gmime_2.6.patch.

12b6840... by dobey

Prevents accidental deletion of notes in case user hits the

Gbp-Pq: 31_prevent_inadvertent_deletion_of_notes.patch.

771ef43... by dobey

Remove line from manpage which causes a warning

Gbp-Pq: 30_fix_manpage_syntax.

fcaefe5... by dobey

Remove unnecessary Requires: from gtk-sharp in tomboy-addins pcfile

Gbp-Pq: 20_remove_pcfile_requires.

bdd36cd... by dobey


No DEP3 Subject or Description header found

Gbp-Pq: 11_lpi.patch.

a3ad632... by dobey


No DEP3 Subject or Description header found

Gbp-Pq: 04_app_indicator.patch.

e8cc4ee... by dobey

Update libtomboy dllmap to use absolute path

Gbp-Pq: 01_dllmaps.patch.

ebce7b4... by dobey

1.10.1-0ubuntu2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

d5ab0f4... by Sebastien Bacher

1.10.1-0ubuntu1 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.