
Last commit made on 2018-07-23
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Recent commits

95a7cfc... by Colin Watson

1.3.2-3ubuntu0.16.04.1 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

0f9409e... by Colin Watson

Reimplement MIME multipart/form-data encoding without binary corruption bugs

Gbp-Pq: fix-binary-mime-encoding.patch.

9b2524e... by Colin Watson

Update doctests to be pyhon2 & python3 friendly.

Gbp-Pq: bytes-test.patch.

12ff483... by Colin Watson

MIME document needs to be bytes in python3

Gbp-Pq: bytes.patch.

45061c9... by Colin Watson

Install version.txt with package_data

Gbp-Pq: install-data.

7ed9209... by Colin Watson

1.3.2-3ubuntu0.16.04.1 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

cc0b7ed... by Dimitri John Ledkov

1.3.2-3 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

4c091e2... by Dimitri John Ledkov

1.3.2-3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

b9393fd... by Dimitri John Ledkov

Update doctests to be pyhon2 & python3 friendly.

Gbp-Pq: bytes-test.patch.

29df96e... by Dimitri John Ledkov

MIME document needs to be bytes in python3

Gbp-Pq: bytes.patch.