
Last commit made on 2021-11-24
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Recent commits

6102ddf... by Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

1.1.2-3ubuntu0.1 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

3506f9c... by Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

[PATCH] Check a user owns the email they are trying to unsubscribe

Gbp-Pq: CVE-2021-40347.patch.

c75d848... by Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

README.rst: remove embedded images

Gbp-Pq: 0001-README.rst-remove-embedded-images.patch.

3be561b... by Paulo Flabiano Smorigo

1.1.2-3ubuntu0.1 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

6a98bcb... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

1.1.2-3 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

6120c2a... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

1.1.2-3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

0b0b0a3... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

README.rst: remove embedded images

Gbp-Pq: 0001-README.rst-remove-embedded-images.patch.

863241b... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

1.1.2-2 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

5849b00... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

1.1.2-2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

aeba0de... by Pierre-Elliott Becue

README.rst: remove embedded images

Gbp-Pq: 0001-README.rst-remove-embedded-images.patch.