
Last commit made on 2022-08-16
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git clone -b applied/ubuntu/kinetic-devel https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openh264
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Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

1d1f1b9... by Bastian Germann

2.3.0+dfsg-1 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

ed171e7... by Bastian Germann

Do not generate version from git

Gbp-Pq: Do-not-generate-version-from-git.patch.

2df63e9... by Bastian Germann

Correct .pc's libdir

Gbp-Pq: Correct-.pc-s-libdir.patch.

a8135b5... by Bastian Germann

FTBFS on x32 architecture

Gbp-Pq: Add-x32-build-flavour.patch.

3f01c24... by Bastian Germann

2.3.0+dfsg-1 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

2c062d8... by Bastian Germann

2.2.0+dfsg-3 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

6bbf49c... by Bastian Germann

2.2.0+dfsg-3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

06909c5... by Bastian Germann

Do not generate version from git

Gbp-Pq: Do-not-generate-version-from-git.patch.

9e33cef... by Bastian Germann

Correct .pc's libdir

Gbp-Pq: Correct-.pc-s-libdir.patch.

56552ff... by Bastian Germann

FTBFS on x32 architecture

Gbp-Pq: Add-x32-build-flavour.patch.