
Last commit made on 2018-02-20
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git clone -b applied/ubuntu/bionic-proposed https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lynx
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Recent commits

35bfb67... by Axel Beckert

2.8.9dev16-3 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

c7cba72... by Axel Beckert

po/makefile.inn: Use unique names for temporary files

Gbp-Pq: parallel.patch.

27d6b18... by Axel Beckert

turn off nested-tables option

Gbp-Pq: nested_tables.patch.

47a4049... by Axel Beckert

Stop ./configure from stripping out -g from CFLAGS

Gbp-Pq: 21_do_not_strip_-g.diff.

c9c01b3... by Axel Beckert

Modify about_lynx.html for Debian package

Gbp-Pq: aboutlynx.patch.

9ed7598... by Axel Beckert

Modify the lynx.cfg to Debian system

Gbp-Pq: lynxcfg.patch.

4a2c8e6... by Axel Beckert

2.8.9dev16-3 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

d5f66a3... by Axel Beckert

2.8.9dev16-2 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

2b89cbc... by Axel Beckert

2.8.9dev16-2 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

a67f71a... by Axel Beckert

turn off nested-tables option

Gbp-Pq: nested_tables.patch.