
Last commit made on 2014-10-27
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Recent commits

8733f1b... by Marius Gavrilescu

2.1.0-5 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

9ccbb1f... by Marius Gavrilescu

Remove end-of-line whitespace and fix manpage title

Gbp-Pq: manpage-remove-eol-whitespace-and-fix-title.patch.

05036b3... by Marius Gavrilescu

Escape theme name before passing it to system(3)

Gbp-Pq: escape-theme-name-in-system.patch.

d3bcfb5... by Marius Gavrilescu

Exit when there is no HOME environment variable

Gbp-Pq: exit-cleanly-when-we-have-no-homedir.patch.

9af743d... by Marius Gavrilescu

Change 'absoulte' to 'absolute' in main.c

Gbp-Pq: fix-spelling.patch.

95d3632... by Marius Gavrilescu

2.1.0-5 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

4cb148d... by Marius Gavrilescu

2.1.0-4 (patches applied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

7527498... by Marius Gavrilescu

2.1.0-4 (patches unapplied)

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

33281b8... by Marius Gavrilescu

Escape theme name before passing it to system(3)

Gbp-Pq: escape-theme-name-in-system.patch.

701c356... by Marius Gavrilescu

Exit when there is no HOME environment variable

Gbp-Pq: exit-cleanly-when-we-have-no-homedir.patch.