Shouldn't we deduct panelHeight from the geometry.height?
Ie, it's either
(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight) or (0, panelHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight - panelHeight),
but here it seems you're setting it to (0, panelHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight), which is wrong
I disagree. The client is asking for a surface with a particular geometry, we should not shrink it. Shell is the one which decides to shrink it anyway
Shouldn't we deduct panelHeight from the geometry.height?
Ie, it's either
(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight) or (0, panelHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight - panelHeight),
but here it seems you're setting it to (0, panelHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight), which is wrong
I disagree. The client is asking for a surface with a particular geometry, we should not shrink it. Shell is the one which decides to shrink it anyway