
Created by Nathan Osman and last modified
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Branch information

Nathan Osman

Recent revisions

104. By Nathan Osman

Moved some of the request code around. NOTE: the example in site.php is currently broken.

103. By Nathan Osman

Began implementing Site class and corrected a few bugs relating to namespaces. NOTE: the site.php file contains a small test and breaks the rest of the library.

102. By Nathan Osman

Switched to the default exception class and rewrote the URL class, simplifying it greatly.

101. By Nathan Osman

Purged old request classes and files.

100. By Nathan Osman

Fixed bug that caused sleep to wait for incorrect amount of time and added new request_builder directory containing code to build the new request.php file.

99. By Nathan Osman

Adjusted incorrect version number in api.php.

98. By Nathan Osman

Fixed error in test suite that was causing failure and added method to retrieve API version and Stack.PHP version.

97. By Nathan Osman

Added option for paginated filter to PagedRequest.

96. By Nathan Osman

Added distinction between filters that require access to total and those that do not.

95. By Nathan Osman

Added three new tag methods introduced in the API.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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