This branch will contain some basic desklets that should be provided with the gDesklets distribution so that users can see the system in action without installing additional stuff. They should be under free software license preferably GNU/GPL version 2 or later so that other gdesklets team members can improve them and fix the bugs. Some ideas: clock, calendar, sysinfo, sticky notes, weather, POP/IMAP mail notification, quote of the day ...
Please use this guidelines when creating desklets for this branch:
1. use generic names (e.g. clock, calendar ...),
2. look at the log file if there are any errors that need to be fixed when desklet is running,
3. create simple icon for desklet (187x161 px),
4. keep preferences simple, use tabs if necessary rather than one big page,
5. discuss the addition in gDesklets-list mailing list (gDesklets-
6. adjust the Makefiles according to your changes
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~gdesklets-desklet-team/gdesklets/desklets-basic
Branch merges
Related bugs
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 66. By Joe Sapp
Convert events to icalendar (RFC 2445) format.
Only converted "general" set of events that could be calculated in the
Gregorian calendar relatively easily. We should convert the other
event sets, but we need someone who can read/translate them. - 65. By Bjoern Koch
Clock v0.55: uses new ITime Control 'strftime' attribute to format the date (needs gDesklets 0.36.4+)
- 64. By Bjoern Koch
All Basic Desklets have been updated for the 0.36.3 release: they all use icons in the prefs now, providing all metadata available; new gimp-splash images for 15pieces.
- 62. By Bjoern Koch
Converted to non-recursive automake; QotD: more 'Chuck Norris the Programmer' quotes.
- 61. By Bjoern Koch
Clock v0.53: added icons in prefs, Control import changed (needs gDesklets 0.36.2+ now)
- 60. By Bjoern Koch
QotD: added icons in prefs and simple quote database information (current quote number and number of quotes in database)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)