Reviewers:, Message: Please take a look. Description: Fix subordinate behavior in Juju Core The biggest change here is that we update service data with the charm subordinate flag, because juju core does not include that information in the service. This includes a test. Other changes here are fly-by. - The yui3-skin-sam class on the body was causing issues by adding styles unnecessarily. I put it on the subapp-browser, where it is sufficient. - The sandbox sends is_subordinate, not subordinate, for charms. I'm not sure if that is correct, but for now I changed charm.js to handle it. I'd welcome opinions on pushing this back down into the pyjuju sandbox, where I could test it. I'm kind of inclined to do that, actually, but I want to get this branch proposed. - I made a few changes to the inspector code to handle subordinates a bit better, particularly in the ghost inspector. the ghost inspector has no tests at all, and we have a card for adding them, so I did not try to tack that effort on to this branch. - I made a small tweak to charm-panel.js so that new services start looking like subordinates immediately. - I added a small hack that came in handy to track down behavior in a handlebars template. Just add {{debugger}} in the template and you will have a breakpoint there. handy. hopefully not too dangerous! We definitely don't want to check in a template that uses this, and the linter won't check our template code... (do not edit description out of merge proposal) Please review this at Affected files: A [revision details] M app/index.html M app/models/charm.js M app/store/endpoints.js M app/templates/ghost-config-wrapper.handlebars M app/views/charm-panel.js M app/views/environment.js M app/views/ghost-inspector.js M app/views/inspector.js M app/views/utils.js M test/test_endpoints.js Index: [revision details] === added file '[revision details]' --- [revision details] 2012-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 +++ [revision details] 2012-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Old revision: