Machine lifecycle is out of scope; SOA concepts demand more discussion in a separate forum; I think I've addressed the rest. File cmd/juju/destroymachine.go (right): cmd/juju/destroymachine.go:34: f.BoolVar(&c.Force, "force", false, "completely remove machine and all dependencies") On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > Perhaps expand a bit: > "completely remove machine and all dependencies, even if Juju thinks the machine > has running units or containers" > I think we need to be verbose as to what the implications are. I would even go > so far as to say we need a [y/N] prompt like for destroy-environment as a typo > in the machine id could be catastrophic. Expanded the doc string -- I'm kinda -1 on an additional gate beyond specifying "--force" though. File cmd/juju/destroymachine_test.go (right): cmd/juju/destroymachine_test.go:48: // is warned about. On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > The above comment needs rewording now the test has been split up Whoops, thanks. File state/api/client.go (right): state/api/client.go:154: func (c *Client) ForceDestroyMachines(machines ...string) error { On 2013/11/12 02:58:37, jameinel wrote: > On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > > It makes me sad that we need to add a whole new endpoint because Go doesn't > > support default parameter values :-( > It isn't really an endpoint, but it is a new function. > I only make the distinction because I was about to say the next change: > -func (c *Client) DestroyServiceUnits(unitNames []string) error { > +func (c *Client) DestroyServiceUnits(unitNames ...string) error { > was an API break, but this is all just within the client process. > so we *could* spell it: > DestroyMachines(force bool, machines ...string) > I'm guessing it was a bit ackward and William wanted to avoid bool in APIs > especially for a Force sort of function. Yeah, it's just a new function, and the bool option felt horrible. Re DestroyServiceUnits I'm willing to impose that minimal pain on anyone who's using api.Client in an external library, because I think the global pain of inconsistency is worse. File state/apiserver/client/client_test.go (right): state/apiserver/client/client_test.go:549: assertLife(c, m0, state.Alive) On 2013/11/12 02:58:37, jameinel wrote: > On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > > Why doesn't force destroy cause the life to be set to Dying? I find it > > particularly unintuitive that a status would show the machine as alive when in > > fact it is on death row and waiting for the clean up job to remove it. > In earlier discussions, this is a limitation of the Machine lifecycle model. A > Machine can't be set to dying until all Units are no longer on the machine. It sucks, I agree. I *think* it's *slightly* worse to add a new flag and pollute status than to put up with that for the period of time in which we can't set Dying at the right time. (In particular, double-force-destroying will not be harmful.) File state/cleanup_test.go (right): state/cleanup_test.go:93: func (s *CleanupSuite) TestForceDestroyMachineErrors(c *gc.C) { On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > The code in this test can definitely be extracted out into a helper > func (s *CleanupSuite) assertForceDestroyMachineError(c *gc.C, job > state.MachineJob) { > m, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", job) > c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil) > err = environManager.ForceDestroy() > c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "machine [0-9] is required by the > environment") > s.assertDoesNotNeedCleanup(c) > assertLife(c, m, state.Alive) > } Done. File state/machine.go (right): state/machine.go:325: } On 2013/11/12 00:43:42, wallyworld wrote: > Yeah, so IMO we should set the machine to Dying here to avoid ambiguity. I was > very surprised reading the tests that had the machine as Alive after being > forcibly destroyed. Agreed. We'll fix the machine lifecycle model one day -- maybe even soon -- but it's not quite bubbled up to the top of the list yet.