
Created by Francesco Banconi and last modified
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Francesco Banconi

Recent revisions

68. By Francesco Banconi

Merge trunk.

67. By Francesco Banconi

Fix typo.

66. By Francesco Banconi


65. By Brad Crittenden

Make control-bucket optional.

The existing function get_admin_secret is made generic and the name is changed
to get_value_from_jenv. It now takes a keyname to be fetched from the
generated file.

For both ec2 and openstack the control-bucket field has been made optional
with respect to the environments.yaml file.


1) Create an ec2 environment with no control-bucket.
2) Bootstrap that environment. Ensure a control-bucket is in the .jenv file.
3) Run quickstart and see that it uses the existing environment and does not
raise an error.


64. By Francesco Banconi

Add support for the Joyent provider.

Tests: `make check`.

QA is not straightforward for this branch, due to the
fact this needs to be tested on a not yet released
juju-core. Sorry about that.
1) Check out the 1.18 juju-core branch (lp:juju-core/1.18),
   and compile it.
2) Edit the quickstart/settings.py file included in this branch:
   set `JUJU_CMD` to point to the juju 1.18 path.
3) Sign up for a Joyent account from http://www.joyent.com/.
4) Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -i` and create a new
   joyent environment: DO NOT bootstrap it from quickstart, just
   create it and exit (^X).
5) Use juju 1.18 to bootstrap the joyent account, e.g.
   `juju bootstrap -e joyent --upload-tools`. This is required
   because quickstart does not support uploading tools.
6) After a minute, and while the environment is bootstrapping,
   open another terminal and re-run quickstart, select the
   joyent account you created and hit "use"
   (or just invoke quickstart with `-e joyent`).
7) Ensure everything proceeds as expected, and wait
   until the quickstart opens the GUI.
Done, destroy the environment, thank you!


63. By Francesco Banconi

Support the --ppa flag for distro packaging.

Add a packaging module suitable for being
easily modified when packaging quickstart for
distro repositories.

The new --ppa flag can be used to switch to ppa
when quickstart is installed from the default

Tests: `make check`.

QA: there is no easy way to QA this.
It would require removing juju packages,
running quickstart with and without
the --distro-only and --ppa flags,
switching packaging.py to "distro"
and trying again.
I'll do that anyway as part of the next
release QA, so feel free to avoid QAing now.


62. By Francesco Banconi

Support MachineInfo addresses.

juju-core 1.18 introduces a change in the mega-watcher:
the MachineInfo includes the public/private addresses
for each machine/container in the environment.
This will be the preferred way to retrieve entity
addresses in future versions of juju-core, which
might also discard the public address field in
the UnitInfo.

This branch updates quickstart so that it can work
in both scenarios: for backward compatibility, the address
is retrieved trying to parse both the unit and the machine
info, without assuming the corresponding fields to be
always included.

This required some testing and documentation efforts,
resulting in a diff longer than usual: sorry about that.

Tests: `make check`.

Use juju 1.16 (current stable).
In the steps below the command to run is:
`.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -e {ENV_NAME}`.

1) Bootstrap a local environment with quickstart, ensure
   the quickstart process completes correctly, the juju-gui
   address is retrieved, the GUI is opened. Also ensure
   the user messages showed on stdout make sense.
2) Execute quickstart again, with the local environment already
   bootstrapped. Ensure the process completes correctly,
   and user messages are sane.
3) Destroy the local environment.
4) Bootstrap an ec2 environment with quickstart, ensure
   the quickstart process completes correctly, the juju-gui
   address is retrieved, the GUI is opened. Also ensure
   the user messages showed on stdout make sense.
5) Execute quickstart again, with the ec2 environment already
   bootstrapped. Ensure the process completes correctly,
   and user messages are sane.
6) Destroy the ec2 environment.

Use juju 1.18. This must be compiled from the juju-core 1.18 branch,
which can be found in `lp:juju-core/1.18`.

7) Edit the quickstart/settings.py file included in this branch:
   set `JUJU_CMD` to point to the juju 1.18 path.
8) Follow steps 1) to 6) again, in order to check that
   quickstart works well also with Juju 1.18.

Done, thank you!

R=bac, rharding

61. By Francesco Banconi

Add the distro-only flag.

This can be used (e.g. in trusty) to
prevent quickstart from installing
the Juju stable PPA.

Tests: `make check`.

No QA required, I already tested this on
a trusty VM.


60. By Brad Crittenden

Update README with support notes.

Included discussion of supported Ubuntu releases and installation


59. By Francesco Banconi

Improve bundle URLs support.

Add support for promulgated bundle short names.
Add support for jujucharms bundle URLs.
Improve help messages.

Tests: `make check`.


Run `.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart -h`
and please check the spelling of the whole
help message. Also ensure it is nicely
printed on a small terminal (e.g. 80x24).

Now let's check bundle errors: all the commands
below should return a pertinent error message:

.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart bundle:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart https://jujucharms.com/bundle/mediawiki/single/wtf
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart https://jujucharms.com/bundle/mediawiki/double
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart https://jujucharms.com/charms/mediawiki/single
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart bundle:mediawiki/42/single
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart bundle:~frankban/mediawiki/single

Deploy bundles, destroy the environment after each command.

Deploy the promulgated mediawiki single bundle:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart bundle:~charmers/mediawiki/6/single

Deploy the mediawiki scalable bundle:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart bundle:mediawiki/scalable

Deploy a bundle using its jujucharms URLs:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart https://jujucharms.com/bundle/~bac/charmworld-demo/charmworld-minimal/

Deploy a bundle using direct HTTPS:
.venv/bin/python juju-quickstart https://raw.github.com/castrojo/mongodb-bundle/master/bundles.yaml

R=rharding, bac

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