
Created by Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com and last modified
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Recent revisions

288. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[MRG] Onchange are not correctly played and should be played at the end.
Instead onchange are actualy excecuted before importing the address (address are submapping).
So if you want to play correctly the onchange for the fiscal position with (fiscal_position_rule_*) it failed.

287. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[MRG] base_sale_multichannel: improve invoice export, needed for magentoerpconnect_openerp_invoice

286. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[MERGE] Add the posibility to send on email when an order have an exception

285. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[MERGE] merge improvement done by Guewen, use the product on the delivery carrier method if it exist

284. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[MERGE] merge fix from benoit when exporting product with the wizard

283. By Alexis de Lattre

FIX bad English.

282. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[FIX] fix picking export, indeed if you have an external reference in ir_model_data for an other referential or for the native wizard import/export of openerp, the picking will be not exported

281. By Sébastien BEAU - http://www.akretion.com

[FIX] sale_exception: fix csv file

280. By Sébastien Beau

[FIX] base_sale_multichannels: fix export link between category and product

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