Thanks for this branch Jay. Please take a look at my concerns below: if I am right then some more work (and thinking) is required before being able to include this functionality. File quickstart/ (right): quickstart/ options.distro_only, options.platform, juju_command) We are using juju_command here to check if juju is installed and retrieve its version. This means we are already using a possible injected juju path. Later, if sudo is required, we end up changing the juju command, invalidating the information retrieved here. In theory, when switching the juju_command path, we should re-ensure its dependencies. For instance, assume I don't have juju installed, but I have an old compiled version which requires sudo: with the current logic, the dependency check pass, but the the application proceed with an invalid juju version until it crashes because the default path is not found (assuming I understand the code flow correctly). It seems to me that a refactoring is required here to accomplish the goal. Perhaps get_juju_command can return the path and a "customized" flag? And then move the path switching logic to ensure_dependencies? Do you have a better idea? quickstart/ requires_sudo = juju_version < (1, 17, 2) At this point I'd just do: if juju_version < (1, 17, 2): requires_sudo = True ... But as described above, this part is likely to change. quickstart/ print("Warning: ignoring JUJU environment variable") Please use logging.warn("ignoring JUJU environment variable") (no need for capitalization). Also, this if block does not seem to be tested. If we move the path switching logic somewhere else I presume it would be easier to test this case. File quickstart/ (right): quickstart/ returned. If the environment variable JUJU is set and ignore_env_var is False, then its value will be returned. quickstart/ print("Warning: a customized juju is being used.") Please use logging.warn, e.g.: logging.warn('a customized juju is being used: ' + juju_command) quickstart/ else: Unnecessary else block. File quickstart/tests/ (right): quickstart/tests/ def test_juju_environ_var_set(self, mock_app, mock_open): Very nice test. File quickstart/tests/ (right): quickstart/tests/ class TestGetJujuCommand(unittest.TestCase): We should add a test here for the common case when the env var is not set at all.