- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:~epics-core/epics-base/cvs-trunk
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 11159. By Jeff Hill
o added pragma message "we need to swap assert out for a diagnostic function that wont be replaced in optimized builds" to acctst.c
o fixed proper include of shareLib.h - 11158. By Jeff Hill
o fixed pll factor update bug in osdTime.cpp
o merged R3.14 bug fixes in osdThread.cpp (for the thread once facility) - several diff os varients
o fixed grammer in comment in epicsMutex.cpp
o in unableToCreateThread exception class what member func changed to be public
o in epicsThread::exitWait the wait func vcall should not be invoked when passing to assert (an R3.14 bug fix as I recall)
o fixed calls to errlogPrintf before it can be initialized in win32 osdThread.c and other R3.14 bug fixes - 11157. By Jeff Hill
o improved serviceMethodRe
o bzr cunfused thinking line terminator diff is real change because rule file changed briefly when switching btw workstations - 11156. By Jeff Hill
o dadbrIdent.h => pvIdent.h
o handleRspNOOP() => handleResponderNOOP()
o bzr thinks line termination diff is a real change because my rules file changed briefly when switching btw workstations - 11155. By Jeff Hill
o dadbrIdent.h => pvIdent.h
o fixed include of shareLib.h
o dadbr is nolonger a library
o added noop handles for various ca interfaces to ca.cpp and ca.h
o fixed some bugs in ByteSeqOut
o compressed exception context message
o eliminated caHandleStatic.cpp
o in MsgMinderV3 improved error response message so that large
messages that dont fit on the stack are not truncated
o improved performance of response thread by moving ctor
for exception ctx string outside of main loop
o fixed bug where m_ouputMsgPending flag wasnt set in
o made certain that if susbscription attempt fails the client
still has a noop subscription he can successfully delete
o added failure context logging for read, write, subscribe io
(which may be removed later)
o made the event mask default to select-all in subscription response
o added event flag post to Mgr :: m_post (if the event q is empty)
o in caSvrDGRcvThrRespNameRes if an exception is active dont
throw exception if service neglects to complete, or reference,
the Responder
o fixed issues with empty dg in SvrDGRspThrDGCoalescer
o added diagnostics to TypeInfoDBR
o Vec < epicsUInt8 > :: pushNetString is nolonger inline
o added append adjacent vec method to caVec
o added "SockUDP :: recvFrom (): probably a previous"
" previous socket sendto resulted in an "
" ICMP error response" diagnostic
o cleaned up SockUDP :: m_disconnect implementation
o in osdSvrNetComm.cpp send llopback interface beacon message
to all attached subnets broadcast address instead of to loopback
address because this avoids, on winsock, with the udp socket
sendto returning disconnect errors (from a udp sock that isnt
connected?) - 11154. By Jeff Hill
added diagnostic define to sharLib.h so we can ifdef test for situations where exporting is active
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)