
Last commit made on 2020-09-25
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Branch merges

Branch information


Recent commits

e46e3c2... by Paride Legovini

releasing curtin version 20.2-0ubuntu1

e5118c3... by Paride Legovini

update changelog (New upstream release 20.2).

9952348... by Paride Legovini

merge from master at 20.2

486e181... by Paride Legovini

Release 20.2

Bump the version in curtin/__init__.py to be 20.2.

LP: #1896947

ac7d5e5... by Dan Watkins

* debian/control: drop Build-Depends on linting tools, they haven't been
  used by the upstream test suite in a while.

8c35ca5... by Dan Watkins

* debian/*: drop python-curtin, making the package Python 3-only.

bcaef42... by Paride Legovini

Get debian/rules in sync with 0.1.0~bzr470-0ubuntu1

Get the packaging (specifically: debian/rules) in sync with the changes
introduced in verion 0.1.0~bzr470-0ubuntu1.

df0ca5b... by Paride Legovini

Fix the py3 pylint ci run


 - pylintrc: fix the generated-members syntax

   generated-members accepts a list of python regular expressions,
   but we are using it as if accepted glob-like wildcards. This
   is wrong, causing errors like:

     internal error with sending report for module ['curtin/udev.py']
     nothing to repeat at position 0

   when using pylint 2.3.1 and fully crashing pylint 2.5.3 and 2.6.0.

   This change fixes the syntax error and removes the entries
   we don't actually need.

 - Fix LOG.error format string
 - tox: bump py3 pylint to version 2.6.0

6026187... by Paride Legovini

releasing curtin version 20.1-29-g81144052-0ubuntu1

020c274... by Paride Legovini

update changelog (New upstream snapshot 20.1-29-g81144052).