
Created by David Turner and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~dwt/photostory/no-pic
Only David Turner can upload to this branch. If you are David Turner please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

David Turner

Recent revisions

11. By David Turner

Fixed the 'Take today's picture' button

10. By David Turner

The button to take the picture was unselectable after going to a date that had a picture, and would not go back to selectable. Also fixed a bug with taking a picture, and the label would not get replaced by the new image.

9. By David <david@david-laptop>

Made the font color to be the default system font color since if the user is using a dark theme, previously the text would be unreadable.

8. By David <david@david-laptop>

Oops, didn't actually change app.py. It should be correct this time.

7. By David <david@david-laptop>

Deleted the nopic.png file

6. By David <david@david-laptop>

Extracted a new function setPic(), and also got rid of the nopic.png from bug#608370

5. By David <david@david-laptop>

Made the paths of files in the deletePic() function relative paths instead of absolute paths.

4. By David <david@david-laptop>

Added the Delete Button

3. By Joel Auterson <joel@auterson-study>

Added a file-chooser dialog and cleaned up some code.

2. By Joel Auterson <joel@auterson-study>

Added new icon and removed a picture that I'd forgotten to remove from release.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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