OK. thinking a bit further, I suppose you may not want to remove the member because you want her to still receive list mail.
You could still accomplish the same thing as a hold/reject/discard these_nonmembers override would by using header_filter_rules, and for accept_these_nonmembers overriding member_moderation_action, just unmoderate the member.
It there's something I'm missing here, please explain your use cases in more detail so I can understand the need.
OK. thinking a bit further, I suppose you may not want to remove the member because you want her to still receive list mail.
You could still accomplish the same thing as a hold/reject/discard these_nonmembers override would by using header_ filter_ rules, and for accept_ these_nonmember s overriding member_ moderation_ action, just unmoderate the member.
It there's something I'm missing here, please explain your use cases in more detail so I can understand the need.