
Created by Franco Tampieri and last modified
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Branch information

Franco Tampieri
OpenERP Italia

Recent revisions

218. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] account_central_journal - header layout

217. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] account_central_journal - printing fiscal year

216. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] account_central_journal - retreiveing right language

215. By Lorenzo Battistini

[ADD] YAML test for l10n_it_fiscalcode

214. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] l10n_it_withholding_tax - due date based on payment date

213. By Lorenzo Battistini

[ADD] l10n_it_fiscalcode - fiscal code unique per company

212. By Lorenzo Battistini

[fIX] l10n_it_fiscalcode - error message

211. By Lorenzo Battistini

[IMP] l10n_it_vat_registries - exploding tax codes in VAT summary

210. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] l10n_it_vat_registries - label

209. By Lorenzo Battistini

[ADD] l10n_it_fiscalcode - error message

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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