
Created by Leonardo Pistone and last modified
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Agile Business Group
Domsense Agile BG OpenERP Addons

Recent revisions

188. By Leonardo Pistone

[ADD] new module account_budget_multiple_validation

187. By Lorenzo Battistini

[IMP] Ordine di origine nei nuovi abbonamenti generati

186. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] sale_subscriptions_alert, alerts oltre la data di scadenza degli abbonamenti

185. By Leonardo Pistone

[FIX] account_invoice_template: crash when you select a product with no taxes

184. By Leonardo Pistone

[IMP] account_invoice_template: product before description

183. By Leonardo Pistone

[FIX] account_invoice_template

182. By Leonardo Pistone

[IMP] invoice template: price, taxes, account from the product

181. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] account_move_template
keyerror when referring to non existing line

180. By Lorenzo Battistini

[FIX] account_move_template
account_move_template maximum recursion depth exceeded

179. By Lorenzo Battistini

[IMP] account_move_template - translation

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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