
Created by Michaël Vanderheeren and last modified

This branch contains the vanilla dockbar.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp:dockbar/vanilla
Members of Dockbar Main Group can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Dockbar Main Group

Recent revisions

9. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.25.1
 Some stupid bugs fixed in pref dialog (Launch action added to list of group actions)
 Little redesign of popup of group
 Border for previews
 Minimal size of previews

8. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.25.0
 !!! New dependency - urllib
 Wine apps groupped by .exe name
 Pref dialog running check
 Pref dialog redesign unused params removed
 Fixed minimization then some of wins always-on-top

7. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.24.1
 Launchers first
 Background bug fixed
 Path in GNOME_DockBarApplet.server changed

6. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.24
 Lunch effect
 Update position of popup winlist
 Basic styles support
 Compiz calls now async
 New action 'prev/next window'
 !!! New dependency: pynotify

5. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.23
 Minimization target
 Windows previews
 Bug 419430 fixed (No way to open preferences in AWN)
 Preferences dialog bug fixed (None string)aleksey@linux:~/workspace/pygtk/src/lp/dockbar$

4. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

DockBar 0.22:
 New action system (Default actions changed)
 DockBar preferences is in dockbar_pref.py now
 Some code cleanups

3. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>

Unminimize and Lock bugs fixed

2. By Scott Barnes <reeve@hermes>

Added AWN wrapper

1. By Aleksey <aleksey@linux>


Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.