This branch is dedicated to the official supported themes.
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp:dockbar/themes
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 20. By Matias Särs
- Added E-unity (flat and round), EOW and styli-theme themes.
- Added EOW dock.
- Added EOW and GlassyBum window list styles.
- Small changes to INFO of Unite and Unite Faenza themes. - 19. By Matias Särs
- Removed the credits file since it was out of date and all themes have its own info file (with credits) now.
- Install instructions are uptdated with info about window list styles and dock themes. - 18. By Matias Särs
- All themes works regardless of orientation now.
- ShinyBar is back uses average icon color for mouse over effect now.
- DMD and Magic (solid) themes are removed since their look _almost_ can be had by changing the background color for DMD Glass and Magic Transparency.
- Gaia is back.
- Radiance is added.
- Lots of small changes. - 16. By Matias Särs
- Removed quite a few themes (some because they come with DockbarX directly) and modified some themes.
- 15. By Matias Särs
- Added two new themes from BigRZA (unite_faenza and Dock2) and updated unite. These themes comes in both horizontal and vertical versions.
- 12. By Matias Särs
- Added three themes by Jan-Christoph Borchardt: minimal, mono-dark and mono-light
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)