
Last commit made on 2023-11-08
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Recent commits

7754c1f... by Daniele Napolitano

Reimplementation gem falling animation when starting the game

8094f85... by Daniele Napolitano

Padding around progress bar and score; score text size bigger

2117081... by Daniele Napolitano

Switched to GSound for sound effects handling

9224e0a... by Daniele Napolitano

Bugfix: on timed mode game over, disable any gem still active

2c5ba1c... by Daniele Napolitano

Simplified input handling; remove ghost clicks

bc72a0f... by Daniele Napolitano

Handle button press and button release to move gems (restored)

1b268e8... by Daniele Napolitano

Refactoring and cleanup dead code

2bb3439... by Daniele Napolitano

Use of Pango text also for scoring; deleted raster font pixmaps

4dadfeb... by Daniele Napolitano

Generic structure for text object handling (size, colors ecc)

8376f1e... by Daniele Napolitano

Write game text messages with Pango and Cairo (text with outline)

The text size follows the board size, is always centered and can wrap
in a new line. Also the text outline is dynamic.