
Created by Diego Sarmentero and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/bug1169312
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Branch information

Diego Sarmentero
Ubuntu One Client

Recent revisions

1392. By Diego Sarmentero

Cleaning FakeSyncMenuApp data

1391. By dobey

Change the notifications language to not use "publish" but share instead.

1390. By dobey

Put the version in a file named VERSION to make it easier to read for win/mac.

1389. By dobey

Fix warnings from new pyflakes.

1388. By dobey

Remove the icons related data, as we use icons from ubuntuone-client-data now.
Update copyright year in LICENSE file.
Update Python check to require 2.6, as we haven't worked on 2.5 for some time.

1387. By Loïc Minier

Use platform API for os.path.* functions; fixes LP #1101344.

1386. By Barry Warsaw

Switch from python-oauth to python-oauthlib for using OAuth.

1385. By dobey

Skip failing authenticated proxy tests due to ncsa_auth crashing.
Add a test-proxy rule to the Makefile for only running the proxy tests.

1384. By dobey

Remove usage of zg to reduce complexity, as we aren't using the feature.

1383. By dobey

Use only one dummy menu implementation.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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