Code review comment for lp:~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/django-cms-update

Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbach (dholbach) wrote :

Packages which are not updated in this newest revision:

Pillow (Current: 2.9.0 Latest: 3.1.0)
 - does not build.

django-reversion (Current: 1.9.3 Latest: 1.10.0)
 - crash in cms(?)

argparse (Current: 1.2.1 Latest: 1.4.0)
pip (Current: 1.5.6 Latest: 7.1.2)
Django-Select2 (Current: 4.3.2 Latest: 5.5.0)
django-treebeard (Current: 3.0 Latest: 4.0)
 - used internally

python-swiftclient (Current: 2.6.0 Latest: 2.7.0)
oslo.utils (Current: 2.8.0 Latest: 3.3.0)
oslo.serialization (Current: 1.11.0 Latest: 2.2.0)
oslo.config (Current: 2.7.0 Latest: 3.2.0)
python-keystoneclient (Current: 1.3.3 Latest: 2.0.0)
oslo.i18n (Current: 2.7.0 Latest: 3.1.0)
 - unsure about these...

Django (Current: 1.8.8 Latest: 1.9.1)
 - some modules don't work with 1.9 yet

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