
Created by Lars Helge Ă˜verland and last modified
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bzr branch lp:~dhis2-academy/dhis2-academy/spring-mvc
Members of DHIS 2 Academy can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

Branch merges

Related bugs

Related blueprints

Complete wikkii (Undefined)
Checkout source code (Undefined)
Define the scope (Undefined)
Port AboutAction (Undefined)
Port HelpActon (Undefined)
Port GetDataSetAction (Undefined)
Port GetPeriodAction (Undefined)
Port GetPeriodsAction (Undefined)
Port NoAction (Undefined)
Port I18nAction (Undefined)
Port TranslateAction (Undefined)
Port LoggedInAction (Undefined)
Make a testview (Undefined)

Branch information

DHIS 2 Academy
DHIS 2 Academy

Recent revisions

2496. By Henrik Wingerei

Committing merge

2495. By Henrik Wingerei


2494. By Henrik Wingerei


2493. By Henrik Wingerei

Removed unused imports in two classes in datamart project

2492. By Henrik Wingerei

Removed XWorkPortalParamsInterceptor as these parameters are set in each controller as a object in the ModelAndView object.

2491. By Henrik Wingerei

Cleaned up code

2490. By Henrik Wingerei

Added CurrentModuleDetectorFilter

2489. By Henrik Wingerei

Some more cleaning of code. Also moved the viewResolver configuration to the dhis-web-commons WebApplicationContext. We can then remove this configuration from each individual web module

2488. By Henrik Wingerei

Cleaned up some code, organised imports and formatted. Also removed print statements that have been used for debugging.

2487. By Ummair <ummair@ummair-laptop>

modified and cleaned up controllers. Added GetDataSetsController

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.