
Created by David Garcia Garzon and last modified
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David Garcia Garzon
SCons Add-ons

Recent revisions

19. By David García Garzón <vokimon@kaaba-kubuntu>

 * safeward when pkg-config is not available or the QtCore.pc file is not found (both issue OSError when executing the command)

18. By David García Garzón <vokimon@kaaba-kubuntu>

 * Patch from Tobias Lippert to the qt4 scons tool, from his mail:
      if env["QTDIR"] holds a variable that is expanded like "${myqtdir}", the
      tool does not find the correct qt4 commands.
      I have removed the QT4_BINDIR which is not used, and removed a parameter
      from locateQt4Command which is not used.
      Also, I added a env.subs() call to locateQt4Command

17. By David García Garzón <vokimon@kaaba-kubuntu>

 * qt4.py: merging scons 4870 revision on qt.py: Convert old-style classes in various Tool/*.py modules to new-style classes.

16. By Dirk Baechle

- added support for scanning all CPPPATH folders, when searching for mocable files (#604405, suggested/reported by Francis Bolduc)
- added test cases
- updated documentation (reference and manual)

15. By Dirk Baechle

- fixed some tests, such that they work under Windows (Qt4 SDK, Mingw) as well
- improved the Qt path detection for the tests (appending a "/qt" for binary SDKs)
- several additions to the "Qt examples" script (tested with Qt 4.6.2 under Ubuntu)

14. By Dirk Baechle

- bugfix: wrong order of arguments in call of Automoc fallback strategy
- added another Qrc test case

13. By Dirk Baechle

Some smaller improvements to the Qrc4() Builder:

- added an emitter, such that .qrc files get the correct prefix/suffix
  when directly added to the source list for Program/Library
- allowed lists as input to Qrc4()
- bugfix: the default value for the "-name" option was not correct
  when the input file had a leading path (relative/absolute)
- added tests

12. By Dirk Baechle

- change in behaviour: all CPPDEFINEs are now passed to the "moc"
  executable by default (QT4_CPPDEFINES_PASSTOMOC=1)
- appended a trailing "4" to the Builder names Ts/Qm/Qrc
  (-> Ts4/Qm4/Qrc4) for the sake of consistency
- the Qrc4 Builder now registers the .qrc extension with the
  environment, such that we can give Resource files to the
  list of sources directly
- the Qrc4 Builder sets the name of the Resource to the
  prefix of the .qrc file by default (using the "-name" option)
- Ts4, Qm4, Qrc4 are all wrapped as pseudo-Builders now and support
  a single prefix as argument (Ts4('foo'))
- bugfix: corrected the regular expressions for the C/CXX
  comment eater (QT4_GOBBLECOMMENTS)
- bugfix: removed the static variables for Automoc'ing from the
  _Automoc class (prevented env.Clone() to work correctly)
- added a few more test cases
- updated documentation

11. By Dirk Baechle

- bugfix: Q_OBJECT in a literal C string was detected by the Automoc function, e.g. printf("Q_OBJECT")
- added a script for compiling all Qt4 examples via the SCons test framework

10. By Russel Winder

Merge in Dirk's changes resolving the conflicts.

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